{Character Back Story ~ Alex}

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Name : Alexander Lobotzke

Age : 21

Gender : Male, not a helicopter or some garbo

Description : A random guy that wears hoodies on a daily basis, even wears it in summer. Listens to Queen - Having a Good Time all the time. Plays Counter Strike, Overwatch, And Rimworld pretty much all the damn time. He also enjoys doing butterfly knife tricks and swearing. NOT GAY!

Quotes : "Fucking, Biscuit Cunt!" "I'm not gay, I'm lesbian" "MY NI🆘🆘A LUCIO CAN EVEN RUN WITHOUT HIS BOOSTY SHOES"

Reason For Going to Canada : The Sweet, Sweet 15$ minimum wage, and the cold weather. (also the escape from pending doom *cough* trump *cough*) 

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