Heater Problems (CH 5)

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So one fateful morning the heater was like "lol bye" and was shot into the space zone level 4, And chaos ensued.

= 5 AM, Living Room=

Alex was sitting in the living room contemplating life while trying to play rock band noticed it was C O L D  A S   F U C K.

Alex Said "The hell, why is it cold. this is UNACCEPTABLE" and he got up and walked around, then went into a corner and grabbed 3 blankets and went on the couch and tried to sleep and he did because sleep is sleep and stuff

=6 AM, The Main Apartment=

Jordan Awakens from the slumber of sleeping and notices the cold as well, she shrugs it off as she heads to make food, because she can only survive off of good vibes for so long.

As is making a nice bowl of C e r a l  she opens a cabinet and SURPRISE SNEAKY BEARCHEM

"Smoke Bomb!" Bearchem screams as she throws an egg at Jordan while waking up Alex which screams "H I R E   A   S A M U R A I" As he hops out of """""""BED"""""""" Jordan says under her breath "this is gonna be a looooooooong day." Bearchem starts shivering and saying "wHY is iT sO coLDDD???" and all this noise wakes pretty much the entire house.

=6 AM, The Other Bedroom=
Avery wakes up to the screams of E V E R Y   H U M A N  A L I V E and gets up and walks into the main room where everyone is screaming and screwing around, Jordan is eating her cereal, Alex is playing Rock Band and Bearchem is still rolling around.

Avery said "what are you even doing Bearchem" and Bearchem replied with "i Don'T knOw heLP"

=6 AM, The Satan room=

Nikki has awoken from her 20456543 year slumber and walks out to the chaos that is the bad decision of living with these nut-jobs, and Bearchem is STANDING UPPPP, ON THEIR FEET, And Alex is dead, not really but he's on the floor casually eating cheese​-its under 12 blankets, Jordan is just  dissiponited and Avery is in the corner being afraid. And Nikki decides "You know what is a good idea getting food while world war 88 is happening" and she does that thing  and just sits eating while world war 847 is happening.

=8AM, why=

The Apartment is in less chaos but its still C O L D  A S  F U C K, So Avery is like "OKAY FUCK IT TIME TO BUST OUT THE 8 REPAIR SKILL WOO" And he goes by the heater and freezes to deat- AWAKENING NOISES Bear wakes up and rolls out of the cabinet and starts coughing and wheezing because W a c ky  ca b in et   c he m ic als, and Avery walks over and says, "Oh yeah the heater broken" and Bearchem cries like a little meme.


authors notes :

my masterpiece

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