Hell (Ch3 Nikki)

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Finally after the tree ordeal everyone was on the road.

"What you doing Alex?" I ask slightly curious about what he's even been doing this entire time. "Breathing, hallucinating, listing to music, mostly things you can do in the car." he replies talking like he hasn't slept in years even though he was napping less than an hour ago. "Oh, ok then" I mutter as I look for something to distract me, I notice Bear sleeping next to Alex, Jordan driving looking concentrated while Avery steals glances at her whilst blushing. They are so cute!

After a short sleep we were there. I wake to someone shaking me, its Jordan. "Well we're here now" she said. Alex opens the door and gets out and everyone else joins him outside the checkpoint. I begin to grow bored with standing around as they search the car so I decide to chat to a guard. they'd already checked my passport so what else is there to do. "Hello, i'm Nikki whats your name?" I try to sound friendly. The guard looks over confused and when he meets my eyes he blushes and averts his gaze to the floor. "I'm Bill, hows your day Nikki...?" He says obviously embarressed, "Good! How 'bout yours?" I asked, I was doing it all to make him more embarressed. "It was fine. I think your family is about to leave." I was confused till I turned to see Bear and Alex waving their arms franticly to get my attention. "I gotta go, It was nice to meet you Bill" I jumped up and kissed him on the cheek and walked away. I didn't need to see him to know that he was red as a ripe tomato. I grinned as I walked away, both Bear and Alex looked at me bubbling with questions. "I'll tell you in the car" I say before either could get a word off. We got in the car when Jordan said "We're driving to the building, they're gonna ask us some questions before we get in to Canada," Oh so much for getting some sleep.

After the awkward silent 10 minute drive, that alex still managed to sleep through, we were at the questioning center. I was called into a room by a old woman who asked me things like, what do you plan to do in canada, tell me about your friends, are you sure Briste won't kill anyone, will this Alex commit tax fraud, and will Jordan accidentally hurt someone? I answered with things like live there, they're okay but Briste is kinda weird Alex likes money alot and Jordan is hot-headed, yea, probably not, and naw she's a good person. After what felt like five hours of questioning I was let out of the room. Apperantly I was last to finish because my friends were all waiting outside ready to go. As we walked to the car I asked them about their experiances with it. "I was internally screaming the entire time," Alex replied, "I HATED THAT!" Jordan yelled, "Diddo" Briste said calmly while Avery nods in agreement. "It was pretty okay" I exclaimed, suprised that, with all these out-going people, maybe Bear and Alex not so much, no one enjoyed the questioning.

After another painstakingly long silent drive, that I tried to talk with Alex and Bear through for an hour before realizing that both were asleep, we arrived at a cafe to discuss our living situation.

"We could stay here, Its got 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, And It has a T.V" Alex suggests "Orrrrr We could go here, It has 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom and its pretty cheap" Avery Counters. I was studying the pamphlet when i saw a possable option "ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR we could go here, It has 3 bedrooms and uhh 1 Bathroom, Its a bit more pricey..." I Suggested, leaving Bear and Jordan to make the decision. "Nikki's is a pretty good choice, But Alex's might provide us with less of a price but more effect..." Says Bearchem thinking it over "Yeah I agree, But having 3 Bedrooms will have less people on the floor, So lets go with that." Jordan says intillectually "Alright" Bearchem says walking toward the car. Alex paying at the front desk Bear following behind. Jordan and I had the same idea, she was looking at the decorations while chatting with Avery while I observed alone. I quickly grew bored with the decor of the walls and decided to check out the desk while the clerk was getting 5 keys to the apartment."Don't stop me now, cause Im having a good time" Alex sung under his breath as I was examining a stapler. "You really like that song dont you?" I said "Nikki, in what world would I NOT like that song" Alex responded sarcasticly. As I was laughing the clerk came back with the keys. We were just outside the apartment when Alex swipes the card so fast it was a blur and kicks the door open and runs in whilst screaming "THE COUCH IS MINE MUTAHFACKAS!" The rest of us walked in behind him calmly "Holy shit Alex chill." Avery remarked. After a little while everyone had busied themselves with a task Alex was playing CS:GO, Jordan was familiarizing herself with every corner, Bear was rolling in the carpet, Avery was cooking for some reason, while I had taken the time to relax.

By the time I snap back into reality its 3:30 AM. Bear was watching 'Stranger Things' on her phone, Jordan was snoring in one of the bedrooms, god knows what happened to Avery who was dead silent and in the other bedroom, and I was chatting with Bear and Alex. "SO! Bear who do you like?" I ask while swinging my feet. "Eon" Bear said in a monitone voice as she resumed watching her show. "Alex you?" I ask looking at him. He gets up and walks toward the window, opens it, and starts to climb out "GET BACK IN HERE IDIOT!" I screamed. " I was kidding." He says with a laugh as he sat back down. I could hear Bear snickering. After a couple more hours of conversation and watching Bear fight sleep until she gave up and smacked her face into her phone and slept that way. After that I went to sleep in the last bedroom.

~Authors Notes~
I posted this. it deleted itself. I RE WROTE AT LEAST HALF.
1082 Words W O W
im actually starving

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