convience (CH9)

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One day the this idiot band of people ran out of DELICIOUS C O K E and are forced to get some more.

Alex dropkicked the fridge and looked in and S M E L T  there was no coke in there. Alex Said "where be coke" and Bearchem also said "where be coke" And then they got in a fight on who was going to get a coke

In the end, much bloodshed and yelling they decided that Nikki, Jordan, And Avery were gonna go "get a coke" and Bearhcem and Alex went to go play Cash Week 2

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In the end, much bloodshed and yelling they decided that Nikki, Jordan, And Avery were gonna go "get a coke" and Bearhcem and Alex went to go play Cash Week 2.

Nikki, Jordan and Avery opened the door to the 11/7, and saw many adds for the famous peepsi. They just said to themselves "get the coke and get the mc fuck out". After a few hours of searching they couldnt find the coke, They went to the staff member and asked "where be coke" Then the staff member said "begone" and then a trapdoor opened up below and they were cast into the coke dungeon

Alex and Bearchem are screaming "CHEEKI BREEKI COMRADE" at each other very aggressively.

The band of the convince explorers hit the ground and saw they were in a very dark cave with an sign saying "Make it out alive for the coke" And soon after reading said sign Nikki just full out vanished. Jordan and Avery panicked for a bit then calmed down and started dividing (2 plan/3plan = plan) a plan

Nikki walked into the apartment and said Hello to Alex And Bearchem, then sat down. Bearchem said "Where are the others?" and Nikki Replied with "In some creepy coke cave I don't know" And then Alex just flat out said "cool"

While in the Coke Cave Of Fuck You, Jordan found a baseball bat and Avery found a generator battery. AND THEN SUDDENLY TRAPDOOR INTO COKE WATER. And as the 2 Emerged their heads from the coke they saw it, two 12 packs of coke sitting on a table, Avery took it and the cave started to crumble, they saw a ladder slowly slide down and they bolted.

Finally after the coke cave they return home and Nikki, Bearchem and Alex all say collectively  "there be coke"

Finally after the coke cave they return home and Nikki, Bearchem and Alex all say collectively  "there be coke"

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