The Search For The Missing Alex (Ch 4)

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It was 6 AM and everyone got up to find that one of the friends was missing

"WHERES ALEX!" Avery yelled and the apartment flew into chaos, only one person wasn't worried. Jordan sat on the couch looking like a grump and refusing to help look for him. "COME ON JORDAN THIS IS SERIOUS!" Nikki half yelled half cried at her, she just shook her head. Nikki turned to continue the search behind the couch "Maybe he left some clues in the apartme- AHH!" She yelped as she tripped on a sleeping Briste on the floor. "Fuckin Bear still sleeping" she murmured as she got to her feet. "SEARCH HIS ROOM!" Avery declared loudly. "He doesn't have one" Nikki said lightly. "Oh... crap" Avery said shoulders slumped looking at the floor. Nikki moved to comfort him. "Da fuk hit me headdd?" Bear growled as she rolled to face the ceiling. Nikki and Avery both watched as she sat up and looked around. "Where did Alex wander off too?" Briste asked. Nikki and Avery looked at each other but while they were deciding Jordan responded "He's long gone. Left," Everyone looked at her. "Personally I'm glad he's gone." she said. "DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE HE'S DEAD!" Avery yelled with tears running down his face, Nikki was getting upset too. Bear had sprung up and got on new clothes in the other room. As she barreled down the hallway she tripped on a backpack and did a face-slide into the room, she curled into a ball cradling her foot cursing loudly.   

As he was walking down the aisle he spotted boxes of pierogies. He got a few and put them in is cart and kept walking. they were gonna need dishsoap too.   After a little searching he had narrowed down his options to Doubley Bubbley and Soaper Duper, the cheapest soap and puns around. "Which one?" he said to himself

Nikki and Avery continue searching despite the death of Briste, who was still curled up in a ball.       The living room search yielded nothing while one of the bedroom searches gave them a not-so-satisfactory magazine. nothing else was really found in the other searches. Avery was breaking down, due to the fact that currently he was stressed and homesick the added drama wasn't helping his mood. Nikki was trying to help the sobbing Avery have hope. Bear was cooking, which Bear shouldn't do because they light things on fire, something to eat.  After what seemed like days Jordan said something "I'll help." Nikki looked over confused "You guys are worried about that asshat and I'm going to help find him" Jordan explained as she got up. "Great! OK everyone we are going to do this in a orderly manor and with skill!" Nikki said jumping out of her chair, eyes sparkling. Avery got up "Ok *Sniff* if you guys say so." He said and smiled. Bear turned from the stove "Yea sure woo, i'll join ya in a minute," She said. Nikki lead the charge and lead everyone to the table then sat down at the head. "I, will lead the investigation. I trust you all have your own skills and abilities to put to use. I will now brief you on the case of the missing dork. A man named Alex disappeared this morning, we have no clues to where-" "Wrong" Bear interrupted as everyone looked to her for an answer. "Did you check the table where we keep our keys?" she asked with a bit of amusement

Who knew that Soaper Duper weighed eighty pounds Alex thought to himself as he hobbled down the produce section. He snagged a head of lettuce and put it in his basket. It felt like his arm was getting pulled out of its socket it weighed so much. he started to regret giving his cart to an elderly woman. To late to go take it back without the police being called. Or was there?

Everyone shook their heads and Nikki motioned to Avery to go and see what Bear was talking about. "There's only four keys!" Avery exclaimed and the entire table gasped. "See what i was talking about? He's probably outside of this apartment. maybe he went to the store," Bear continued. Just as that point was reached we heard the door rattling and keys jingling, as it opened we saw Alex step in with grocery bags in his hands. "I'm bac-" He couldn't even finish his sentence because both Nikki and Avery ran up to hug him. "I'm sure you wouldn't miss me that much" He said sarcastically. " Please *Sniff* don't ever do that to us again *Sniff*" Avery sniffled, now crying with joy. "What get grocre- Ohhhh... OHHHH I see what i did wrong here."

~Authors Notes~
Have any of you guys played 'Wolf Among Us' ? 
Its good

I ate now its ok

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