The Testino's Pizza Gang (CH 7)

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One day Alex and Bearchem hatched the idea at 4 am (probably drunk) saying they should become The Testino's Pizza Gang, and throw Testino's at pepole. Chaos Ensues. 

Bearchem kicks down the local cabinet door and screams "WE ARE NOW A GANG", Nikki looks interested, Jordan is like what the fuck, Avery is looking at her likes she crazy, and Alex fucked off into another galaxy.

Nikki asks "wait what type of gang-" just before Nikki finishes her sentence Bearchem Screams "THE TESTINO'S PIZZA GANG" and then everything went silent until Alex walked in and said "wait what-"

And now the gang is formed and everyone has a mask, Jordan has a fucking piece of floor with eye holes, Nikki has a cat mask that says "I'll break your nico-nico KNEE CAPS", Alex is wearing a mask that says "FUCK YOU PAY ME", Avery is wearing the mask of billy jon jimbomium, Bearchem is wearing a beanie (the tall ass kind). Now to acquire there weapon

The gang goes to the local mart and is like  "OI GIVE US THE TESTION'S" "OKAY HERE IS THE 20$"

then they threw them at one guy and almost got arrested so they gave up

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