Hell (CH 3)

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The Group of friends finally one the road again and are heading to the border, Random Garbo ensues. "What you doing, Alex?" Nikki asks Alex. "Breathing, Hallucinating, Listing To music, Things you can do in the car." Alex Says. "oh okay then" Nikki states. Bearchem is sitting there sleeping in the car, while Jordan drives while Avery swoons over her


They arrive at the border of Canada after awhile, "Well were here now." Jordan says, Alex gets out the car, and so does everyone else, Nikki is just talking with people at random, Avery is just getting irritated, and Bearchem is just staring at snow and all that. They Finally reach the checkpoint and they go trough the pain of Border questions and passport checks. Alex is internally screaming, Nikki is fine with this, Bearchem wants to die, Jordan does the thing, Avery also does thing. After the pain of that is done they have to look for a place to stay.

---- S E G W A Y ----

They Drive around looking for apartments to say in. "We could stay here, Its got 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, And It has a T.V" Alex suggests "Orrrrr We could go here, It has 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom and its pretty cheap" Avery Counters/Suggests "ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR we could go here, It has 3 bedrooms and uhh 1 Bathroom, Its a bit more pricey..." Nikki Suggests. While Bearchem and Jordan be the judges of which one we pick. "Nikki's is a pretty good choice, But Alex's might provide us with less of a price but more effect..." Says Bearchem thinking it over "Yeah I agree, But having 3 Bedrooms will have less people on the floor, So lets go with that." Jordan Says "Alright" Bearchem says, Agreeing. So after that was settled they headed to the apartment, and paid the price of staying and headed up the the place, Alex leading the way, Bearhchem following behind, Jordan Looking around,Nikki looking at the decorations, And Avery acting all awkward like. "Don't stop me now, cause Im having a good time" Alex sings under his breath, "You really like that song dont you." Nikki says "Nikki, in what world would I NOT like that song" They arrive at their room, Alex swipes the card and kicks the door open and screams "THE COUCH IS MINE MUTAHFACKAS!" "holy shit Alex chill" Avery Says. After everyone settles in, Avery is cooking some food with stuff they brought, Alex is playing CS:GO on his laptop, Jordan is looking around like it's her job, Bearchem is rolling on the floor and Nikki is chilling. They do this for awhile, till 3:30 AM. Bearchem is just watching Netflix on her phone, Jordan is sleeping in one of the bedrooms, And Avery is sleeping in a different room, Nikki is still awake talking to Bearchem and Alex about random stuff, Until Bearchem and Nikki go to sleep, Alex still playing Video games until dawn.

~Authors Note~

lol i made this painful for bearchem

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