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Name: Briste 'Bear' Aon
Age: 22
Gender: F

Physical description: Short, Curly hair, Blue eyes, Always wearing a hoodie and jeans.

General desc: A dork who watches only subbed anime listens to edgy music, gay. Insecure and shy when not around friends. Looks like gnome. Memelord. Likes Shelter 2, Rimworld, Just Cause 2, Stardew Valley, and really anything that allows creativity or choice. All around Sad little shit. enjoys beer just a bit too much.

rando quote that applies here
I guess that's my problem - I'm always trying to beat the clock, outrun the universe... Like nothing can change me, as long as I change first 

Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim)

"Toaster x Lampshade!" 
"We have wattpad access in hell"
Newer, and real quotes v
"Come out and face me you eight legged bastard!"
"There's Blair witch cat bitch"
"Tupperware more like TupperWHERE IS THE FUCKING LID"

Reason for going to Canada: grew up in a desert and is facinated with snow, peace and quiet, wildlife, isolation, and the woods.

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