Roman(Lettu)ce (Part nO)

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There is Implied shit in this chapter so if your offended please look out the window for the flying fuck i sent. from Bearchem

The Canadian President had recently gotten married and to celebrate his newfound love he declared the next day a commemorative Valentines day. Hijinks Ensue.

-The Apartment 7AM Day before Fake Valentines day -
"Is everything ready?" Avery asks looking over the buffet table complete

 with drinks of the alcoholic kind. "I think so" Jordan says, they both take a step back and look proudly over the table that they setup by themselves. "Who are we inviting again?" Alex asks from the couch while playing CS:GO. "Brianna, Elyse, Charlotte, and Philip all confirmed that they were coming and Emily said she'd try and make it. OH and Mikayla too," Nikki explained, eyes glued to Alex's laptop screen. "Thats a lot of people," Bear pitched in from the floor. "All the others may show up too..." Jordan teased from the kitchen, Bear slammed her face into the carpet, "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day," was all they could make out from the muffled speech. 

-The Apartment 4PM Fake Valentines day party-
By the time people started knocking it was 4PM, first to appear outside the door was Philip. He had gotten taller and looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks, he had a pack of beer in his hand and nearly bumped his head on the top of the doorframe when he came in. "Sup guys. Long time no see," He said while giving a small wave, hugs were passed around and he set the beer down on the buffet table.    Only ten minutes later another, much louder, knock rung through the apartment. Nikki opened up the door, almost instantly Elyse and Brianna were hugging their long lost sister like they hadn't seen her in years. "Stama! Bri-Chan!" Nikki greeted them with their old nicknames from way back in middleschool. They too, had changed. Brianna looked like she always did, dorky and kinda edgy. Elyse had gotten slightly taller and looked stronger. they hadn't brought any belongings and as they stepped inside each surveyed the room. Bri was confused about who the random guy on the couch playing Blackops Zombies was, while Elyse was glaring at Bear who still had their face imbeded in the carpet. Shortly after they came in Bear got up, got a beer, and chugged it. They stared, she slammed the now empty can on the table and lied back down on the floor in-front of the couch. "Might aswell join her," Avery said grabbing a beer. The rest of the group execpt Nikki followed Avery's example.     Another knock shook the door. "Emily is outside," Nikki said while looking through the peephole. "Lemmie do this," a very drunk Bear said sliding past Nikki and opening the door. "Emilu Caldwin!" Bear says loudly, Nikki and a few others begun to laugh. Bear called Emily Emilu  back in middleschool and it pissed Emily off so much that Bear would run away laughing.  "Oh you're gonna die now," Emily said throwing her purse at the couch and, in turn, hitting Alex in the side of the head as she ran after Bear. Right after Emily enters the apartment Nikki spots Mikayla walking up the stairs. She runs up at the sight of a familiar face. Again greetings were exchanged execpt by Bear who was panting and on the floor after a beatdown from Emily.  Emily hadn't changed that much besides the usuall aging signs like a different voice.      After a short time Charlotte showed up. She had really gotten her life together, she was engaged and had a steady job. Not to mention completely out of place.  "Yo," She heard from behind her, she turned to see Bear. They had been close friends but had parted ways shortly after highschool.  Bear was secretly hoping she wasn't angry at her for leaving. "Hey..." Charlotte replied, and after a few seconds of awkward silence walked away.    

After a few hours and many more drinks the party had really kicked off. Avery was attempting to flirt with Jordan, Elyse and Brianna were laughing loudly at the stories that Nikki was telling them of the group driving up here, Charlotte was making polite conversation with the completely wasted Philip and a half-drunk Emily, Alex was drunk, yes but still playing Black Ops, and Bear was wandering around asking questions like "How come you can drink a drink but you can't food a food?" and telling facts like "According to all laws of aviation bees should not be able to fly," Even a few people thought she had said something about graduating at the top of her class in the Navy Seals.  "Man we should all go camping or something," Brianna suggested, "Wait, you still love nature despite what it did to you?" Alex yelled from the couch. Elyse got up, even when drunk she could rip Alex in half. Alex realized his mistake and threw his laptop asside to try to make a break for the hallway, as he was running Elyse tackled him. He was squirming to try and get away, screaming too. He ran into a bedroom and the door locked behind him. Elyse cursed and walked back to the table.   

A half an hour later Alex emerged from the room with a plan. challenge Elyse to a guitar dual on Guitar Hero. 

After a bit Alex and Elyse get ready but then they realise oH WaIT wE aRE all DRUNK and chaos issues as they try to play DragonForce on Expert,

Alex Casually hits like 88% of the notes while the guitar is embedded in his spine and Elyse does not understand the concept of what hammerons are.

After the Chaos that was the Guitar Dual, Alex comes out on top and Elyse agrees not to fuck with him for the rest of the party. He resumes his spot on the couch and plays guitar hero with a stick.  SO THE PARTY WAS GOIN GREAT!

After the fiftieth timeskip something actually happened
Avery and Jordan were drunk and cuddling on the couch.
A perfect target for Bear to attack. 
"Ring Ring its the MoTher FucKer phonE" She said loudly as she popped up from behind the couch and shoving Jordan and Avery apart. Avery, who was asleep, didn't react that much. Jordan, however, was fucking P I S S E D. Bear was laughing so hard she rolled off the couch and onto the floor as Jordan climbed over the couch to curb-stomp her face all the way back to Tamriel. As drunk as Bear was she still rolled away, something that her many years of cabinet dwelling reinforced, causing Jordan to curb-stomp some tile. 

After grusome scene i'd rather not describe and a short drive to the hospital our "heros" end this long-ass journey in recovery ward with a sleeping Jordan, sobbing Avery, Bear grinning like a psyco, Nikki nonchillantly chatting with Alex, and the rest of the party just standing around. They stuck out like a sore thumb as a bunch of sober-ish middle-aged failures don't really mix with the family of a student athlete who jumped off a table, a lone mom tending to her son who was swelled up like a ballon thanks to a bee, and a kid who was all alone standing over their friend who had attempted suicide. Jordan had broken her foot through sheer force and was set to recover in a month. 

The visiting friends stuck around for the week or two. The only notable things that happened were Philip hitting on Charlotte alot and getting rejected every time, Bri Elyse and Nikki outings, Bear and Alex getting into fights with Elyse, The whole group binge-watched all of Attack on Titan, and a few unspeakable things that i cannot speak off betweentwoofthevisitorsokgoodbyegoodyesyesiamnowonhitlistshelp

Authours notes

THis took to long and go check out the album folding leaves by message to bears its good ok?
Oh by the way...

New character approaching!

 New character approaching!  

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