Iceland wasn't happy
He wouldn't eat, sleep or leave his room other than to use the bathroom
He felt horribly guilty and a disgusting person for not thinking about his family first
Suddenly, after 4 weeks, his phone rang for the first time
"Hello?" He answered with curiosity, not knowing who was calling (Unknown number)
"H-Hey! It's me! "
It was the other boy he met a few weeks ago
"Oh, hi..." Iceland was still sort of depressed and his voice was pretty droopy
".... Is everything alright?"
"Yeah! Everything is okey dokey!" he lied
"You made me cringe"
"Something is not right. Please tell me. Friends don't lie to each other, and we're friends now"
Iceland started crying again and told Hong Kong all about his problem. The other let him talk without interruptions and actually listened, not like the rest of the Nordics
When he finished, Hong Kong comforted Ice and told him everything would be alright, which Iceland believed
Iceland was a happy boy again
After a while of talking, they hung up. The Icelandic teen laid down on his small bed and stared at the ceiling
Was it true?
Was everything going to be alright?