Far from Normal

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me: hey, guys! its my first story with my other me Kiara in it and I hope its good.

Kiara: of course, its gonna be good if Law thinks its good then its good.

me: kay, kay, other me. Law might be a little bit OOC in this story so please bear with me

Kiara: Chari, doesn't own One Piece the great Eiichiro Oda does!


Normal days… are the most boring days even if you are part of my class with its endless issues. Today wasn’t exactly a normal day because there was assembly happening which was bound to be extremely boring because you do almost the very same things as the last assembly. I pulled on my scarf and from next to me Rika was pulling on her scarf as well. As usual Nisha was running around trying to find a scarf dragging her friend Nina along with her. I sighed, usual assembly mornings.

“Hey, did you see that new teacher?” I heard Skyler ask. Nathan in his usual weird gangster tone answered that he did and said that he is really hot. My eyes widened a little, well that was unexpected. Male teachers at our school weren’t good looking to say the least, even though they tried to be. Also I’m not one who will be impressed by just any good looking guy, let it be a teacher, a student or even a celebrity. They’ll have to drop dead gorgeous to make me go ‘wow’.

The announcement came from the speaker in our classroom that all Year 10 classes had to come down to the basketball court for assembly. I sighed again wishing this wouldn’t be such a boring normal assembly day and took my Student Record Book out of my bag and joined in the line taking my usual place behind Rika at the very front of the line. On normal boring days like this would I start wishing for the craziest things, for example, right now I’m wishing Trafalgar Law from One Piece would just appear and create total chaos. Wow, crazy right? Yep, that’s how bored I am.

“Kiara, Kiara!” my friend Renee from the next class 10C whispered excitedly shaking my shoulder. I was annoyed at being taken out of my imagination zone.

“What?” I asked her. Renee was practically bouncing on her heels and pointing at something or more specifically someone. I looked at what she was pointing at a bit curious as to why she was so excited; I took one look, rubbed my eyes and looked again, I even pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I told Renee to pinch me as well. It all hurt!

Damn, I wasn’t dreaming! “Is that Law?!” I half shouted in disbelief. What the hell is Trafalgar Law doing talking to our school’s chairman like he was the most normal person in the world?!

“This has to be a dream!” I said.

“Didn’t Renee just prove to you that this isn’t a dream?” Rika asked, in that annoying tone of hers. “Who is that dude anyways?”

“That dude looks exactly like an anime/manga character that I know and like. He’s got everything of that guy on him! He looks exactly like Law!” I cried.

“It could be that he is loves that character a lot and wanted to be like him.” Samantha said. I stared at her but then I sighed it’s no use trying to make these clueless creatures understand anime cosplay. Renee pouted at me.

“Explain, Kiara!” She ordered, childishly. I gave her a sideways glance while raising my eyebrows, she pouted back at me defiantly.

“Kay, fine! It is really hard to get cosplays right. No one can look that drop dead gorgeous as Law many people have tried and failed.” I explained. Everyone looked at me like I was the strangest person in the world.

“What?” I asked them, looking at each of their faces with my trademark confused expression.

“Did you just say that he was drop dead gorgeous!?” Renee cried, almost squeaking out the question. I gave them the ‘your point is’ look.

“Girl, you just admitted a real guy looks hot!” Renee squealed. I sweat dropped, that guy looked far from real. I’m not saying that he looked animated or something but he was like someone in a love sick school girl’s dreams, even though I dream about him she is definitely not me!

As the assembly started and went on at its boring pace, I glanced at the new teacher who was wearing Law’s exact same carefree almost bored expression. Then, Dr. Alles our chairman came up to address us and introduce the new teachers. He introduced the other new teachers and when it came to him I didn’t realize I had been holding my breath.

“Then there is Mr. Trafalgar Law…” I almost screamed out ‘WHAT!’ in disbelief, thankfully Renee covered my mouth before I could embarrass myself. If anyone else knew the guy they must have some self control. “He’ll be teaching Biology and Human Biology.”

That’s right, Miss Sabrina left a while back and our tiny Biology class was teacher-less for 2 weeks. So that could mean he is the replacement, well isn’t that a surprise! Sir Law stood up to greet the students and he managed to catch my eye. He smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back, he’s the most interesting thing that happened all day!


me: yay, Law comes in!

Kiara: yep, and he's my bio teacher how cool is that!

Law: Chari will post her next chapter soon so stay tuned

me&Kiara: when did you come in!?

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