The Heart Pirates raid my fridge

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Me: Here comes another chapter.

Kiara: Well, this one's quite funny, we needed a bit more comic relief

Me: Well, this chapter is also just a filler before all the crazy shit starts to go down

Kiara: Thats great! Can't wait!

Me: You'll have to my friend, anyways I don't own One Piece or the One Piece characters


I was sitting in my room the next day wondering what Law had told me yesterday when I asked him about my powers. He had said that Kurieita have two types of Power, Creation and Battle, it also takes a while for a Kurieita to discover their powers.

“However you are a special case, Kiara. You’ve unconsciously discovered your powers of creation, you may have not noticed but there are some things you’ve created in this world.” Law explained. After I recalled this explanation I was even more determined to try it out. I held out my hand in front my hand and closed my eyes.

“Fire” I said imagining fire. I opened my eyes to find that my hand was on fire but it didn’t hurt one bit, sure I felt them but it was like a silk cloth was over my hand. “Cool.”

I turned to my blank wall and clicked my fingers, the words ‘Kiara Rules’ in graffiti letters appeared on the wall. Just what I wanted, I smirked, time for to some cool stuff. I held my hand out and closed my eyes, my fingers closed over an object and I opened my eyes. My grin widened as I found an extremely long Katana in my hand, I made it disappear in flash after I had swung it around a few times and almost cut my wardrobe in half.

“My Creation powers,” I said, looking at my hand with a wide smile. “I can’t wait to show Law!” Suddenly my dog started barking and I wondered what was happening.

“Bruno, what’s wrong?” I called down from my window; suddenly I heard something crashing downstairs. I perked my head up imagining all sorts of scenarios in my head although one thing I did know was, no one enters my home without my permission. I grabbed my tennis racquet completely forgetting that I could have just created some weapon using my powers and crept downstairs one silent step at a time. I could hear voices and my fridge being opened, okay that’s weird what sort of a burglar would raid the fridge instead of the house?

I crept up to the glass cabinet and took a peak at the burglars, there were four people and one polar bear. Wait… polar bear?

“What are you doing in my house?” I asked the Heart Pirates raiding my fridge. Shachi, Penguin, Casey and Jay stopped in the middle of gobbling down the chocolate cake I had made yesterday after coming home. “I made that for my Grandparents.”

“I’m so sorry, Kiara-chan! It was Bepo’s fault he’s the one who opened the fridge and showed us this wonderful cake.” Shachi cried, blaming everything on the poor polar bear. Bepo hung his head and muttered out an apology.

“It’s alright, Bepo. There’s no need to apologize, I can always bake another one. Also, you didn’t answer my earlier question, I demand an answer.” I ordered. The guys looked a bit scared, I guess they thought of me as the all powerful Kurieita and I hardly am powerful.

“We just thought of visiting, you know. We were worried about you after Law told us that the Cool Brothers attacked.” Casey explained. He was the only one with a bit of common sense after all, I’m glad I made him that way. My features softened a bit and I sighed.

“You could have at least told me you were coming. I thought burglars had come in here.” I said. “Come on, might as well treat you guys to something while you are here. Where are the rest of the guys?”

“Oh, they’re back in our world. Naru, Jean Bart and the twins wanted to take care of the submarine.” Jay explained. I nodded and told them to go upstairs, I went into the kitchen and made them some drinks calmed my dog down then went back upstairs. I found them all on the second floor where the Home Theatre was watching Transformers 3 in 3D, only god knows how they managed to get the TV and the Blu-ray player going.

“Enjoying the movie, guys?” I asked, smiling at their expressions.

“This is so badass.” Jay said, his mouth hanging open as he watched Optimus Prime battle Shockwave. I giggled their expressions were so funny. I heard my ringtone coming from my pocket and I took out my phone to see Law’s number being displayed on the screen.

“Hello, Law?” I asked. “Kiara, if my crew is there tell them to give me a very good reason for me to not give them laundry duty on Fridays for a whole month” Came the voice of a beyond pissed Law. I mentally face palmed, just like the Heart Pirates to leave without telling their captain. Somehow, I wonder how they are not similar to the Straw Hats.

“Guys, an extremely pissed Surgeon of Death is on the line and he wants to know one good reason why he should not put you on laundry duty for a month.”

Suddenly, the movie wasn’t so interesting anymore. Shachi grabbed the phone from me and along with the other three they were shouting all sorts of excuses into my phone. I stood next to Bepo and watched the whole scene with a sweat drop.

“SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU, IF I DON’T FIND YOU BACK HERE IN THIRTY MINUTES YOU WILL BE SCRUBBING THE SUBMARINE’S DECK WITH TOOTHBRUSHES! UNDERSTAND!” Huh, I never thought Law could be capable of shouting like that, he kinda sounded like my Aunt Clara screaming at my 18 year old cousin sister to get back home through the phone. That made me fall into a fit of giggles, imagining Law and Aunt Clara being the same was really funny.

Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, Casey and Jay all said their goodbyes and went off, thought I wondered how they would be able to get to Law’s house. I didn’t ponder on it too much, Law had given us an assignment to do and I better finish it.


Law: Well, Chari I hope you enjoyed that

Me: Course I did! Making Law scold someone is just the best

Law: Enjoy it while you can, my dear, cause thats the last time you will be doing it

Me: Law, I'm the writer here and I control the story not the characters but don't worry you won't be shouting all that much cause I'm not sadistic unlike you. 

Law: Thank you, love. The best chapters will start from the next one so stay tuned. Now if you'll excuse me I have someone get my revenge on

Kiara: You better run, Chari. He's gonna touch you

Me: Holy shit! *runs*

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