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Kiara: Here's another chapter!

Me: Law fights in this chapter. I hope he seems badass enough

Kiara: I expected you to be crying because I'm the one getting attacked

Me: Law just too badass, I forgot... oh, I remembered.

Kiara: No! Law's extremely badass isn't he Chari?

Me: Totally! I don't own One Piece by the way. Also sorry for not updating quicker I have exams and don't have much time, sorry again. Anyways, enjoy and thanks for all your comments!  


For the next few days nothing unusual actually happened and everything went back to normal. We all got to know Sir Law better as he related at bit of the part time work as a surgeon he did in University. I wondered how he managed that and Stella voiced my thoughts, Sir answered saying that he wasn’t the main surgeon he just helped out one of his doctor friends at the hospital. We also got to know how old he is, he’s 24 this year which was quite cool. I like young teachers they understand us better. Sir also described why he loved surgery; in his exact words, “The harder the operation, the more exciting and fun it is.” It sounded something similar to what One Piece Law might say but I didn’t dwell on it much. Sir and One Piece Law are very similar in more ways than one.

It was Friday and I was waiting till my car came to pick me up after a meeting we had for a History Quiz Competition I had the next day. I had my Ipod out and I was listening to Kesha’s Tik Tok one of favorite songs. I wasn’t really paying attention to the surroundings because there wasn’t anything particularly weird and it was school there wasn’t any reason to be on my guard.

“KIARA GIAMANTE!!!” roared a voice. I jumped off the bench in shock; in front of me was an 8 foot tall giant with flaming red hair in traditional martial arts gear and with an enormous axe. He gave out an earth shattering roar and charged towards me his axe gleaming menacingly in the sunlight.

Move, Kiara! Goddamn it! I just stood there frozen in absolute fear adrenaline doing nothing to help me get out of the way. My legs won’t move and my mind turned to mush, as I faced the impending death. Tears stung my eyes as I watched the axe being brought down on my head. No, I really am going to die!

“Room.” A dark blue sphere suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Shambles.” I opened my eyes, I hadn’t realized that I had closed them and I was elsewhere… in my place stood another person; a white furry brown-spotted cap on his head, a long unsheathed Nodachi and a growing smug-sadistic grin on his lips. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me; am I looking at the Trafalgar Law, the notorious Surgeon of Death?

The giant guy moved out of the way and Law’s grin came to its full length. He raised the heavy looking sword with one hand and slashed, the slash went all the way to the giant guy and it cut him in half vertically. I would have winced if I wasn’t in shock. Law slashed a few more times and suddenly there were body parts and an axe floating around the sphere, he was grinning like a little kid on Christmas. Law sheathed his Nodachi and proceeded to do his sadistic work, namely playing with the body parts. I watched in awe as all the parts began to attach at odd places. After he was done playing, Law punched the guy’s chest and his hand went right through it, I let out a stifled scream; this was weirder than watching it on the computer. Law brought out his hand and it wasn’t covered in blood but instead it held a still beating heart in a little box made of the same material as the sphere.

“You chose the wrong person to mess with.” He said; his face emotionless. “No one lays a hand on Kiara Giamante without going through me first.”

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