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Law: Here comes another chapter and in this you shall see my dark side

Me: Yeah and his dark side is somewhat scary

Law: But you obviously think its cool don't you?

Me:*grins* Yep, enjoy the chappy! Thanks for all your lovely comments by the way!

Law: You forgot the disclaimers, Chari does not own One Piece.


I had covered my mouth with my hands as the only thing I saw was smoke as both yetis fired at were Law was. I cannot describe how scared I was, I didn’t want him to die!

“LAW!!” I screamed, tears threatening to fall. “I’m not going anywhere, little one. Law’s staying right here.” Came his voice from behind me and I felt a warm hand around my shoulders.

“Don’t do that ever again.” I said, my voice cracking with relief. He pulled me towards himself and held me close.

“I’m sorry, did daddy scare you?” he asked. A nerve appeared on the side of my head.

“You’re not my daddy!” I cried. I was about to say more but my whole brain turned to mush as I felt his warm lips on my forehead.

“Daddy will be right back.” He said. I wanted to tell him to stop referring to himself as my daddy, I wanted to tell him that it was weird but all I could do was turn a very bright scarlet. That kiss wasn’t romantic or anything, it was brotherly. I felt like a five year old seeing her elder brother off to high school, where the brother would kiss the little girl on the forehead and say “You be good while big brother is gone, okay.” It felt nice; it felt like I had finally found the thing that was missing from my life. I watched Law stand the Cool Brothers down and for the first time in ages, I grinned big and wide. I could say it was on par with Luffy’s massive grin.

“Go get ‘em, Nii-sama!” I cried, before I could stop myself. Law didn’t turn around but he gave me a thumbs-up before he unsheathed his Nodachi and sliced both brothers in half with one swing. Afterwards sheathed the Nodachi again and threw it back in my direction, I just managed to catch the sword in arms.

“Huh, it’s not that heavy.” I mused. I clutched it with both hands and turned my attention back to Law. Rock had fallen unconscious when Law had switched the bullets he fired at him, Scotch was about to crush Law under the weight of huge pillar but in one swift and graceful motion Law had spun around and jumped. My eyes sparkled; it was the Counter Shock! Law was in the air horizontally facing the sky with his thumbs on Scotch chest.

“Counter Shock.” Law said, in a low tone. The shock spread through Scotch’s body making him scream out in pain, my hands instantly went to ears to shut off from hearing the blood curling scream almost dropping the Nodachi. The shock is like a defibrillator used on a living person and that’s gotta hurt like hell. I couldn’t imagine being on the receiving end of that move.

“Awesome!” I grinned, cautiously taking my hands off my ears.

“You better cover your ears again. I’m about to get to the very fun part.” Law called to me, his smile turned extremely sadistic and scary. “Torture.”

As soon as I heard that one word I almost tripped in my haste to hide behind the car. The scene was silent for a while so I decided to take a peek. Well, that was the biggest mistake I ever made today. I looked up just in time to see Law twist the now conscious Rock’s arm in a horrific way by just raising his finger. The crunching of bones and Rock’s blood curling scream was terrifying enough but Law’s sadistic grin just made it worse. Law asked him a question but I was too far away to hear I was sure Rock refused because this time his other arm got twisted. I curled up into a ball behind the car hugging the Nodachi close to me and tried to imagine rainbows, little fairies, cute little ponies, flowers and anything happy I could possibly imagine.

Once Law was done with his torture he came back to find me with a depressing aura worse than Bepo’s. I was rocking back and forth repeating ‘ponies, cute little flowers, tiny fairies’ and even ’mushrooms’. The bastard found that situation funny!

“It’s not funny, Law! You just scared the life out of me, do you know how that feels?!” I demanded, tears threatening to fall. I was scared enough to cry and the only time I was scared enough to cry was the time when I was caught helping a girl in my class to copy in the Chemistry term test. Even that wasn’t as bad as this!

“Okay, I’m sorry, Kiara. I guess I don’t know because there was never a time I actually got scared. Come on, let’s go back to my place and I’ll take you back home after breakfast. How does that sound?” He asked me. I sniffled a bit and nodded but I refused to let go of the Nodachi, I was grateful that Law let me keep it. I thought he was going to force it off me or something.

“You’ll let go of it when you’ve calmed down, Kiara.” Law smiled his proper smile as he held the passenger seat door out for me. I got in and after a few minutes of silent travelling I felt fatigue take over me and I let sleep take over me, the Nodachi still in my arms.

~….~ Normal POV

“Kiara, tell me-…” Law began before he found a sleeping girl on his passenger seat. Kiara smiled cutely in her sleep still clutching his Nodachi in her hands. Kikoku must like her a lot to actually let her hold it for this long. The only people to ever be able to hold it were his crew; the Nodachi never let anyone else hold it. According to swordsman beliefs, a sword sometimes has a mind of its own and Kikoku certainly had a mind of its own.

“Well, Kikoku, looks like you’ve found a new friend.” He told the sword. Law reached out and stroked Kiara’s hair, part of it was a bit wet from because she was sweating before and part of it was soft and silky to the touch. So she had had a bath the day before, Law had noticed her hair always became this way when she had bath, it made him want to just stroke it all day.

“You are just so cute, Kiara. I’m glad I was made your Guardian.” He smiled.

Law pulled into the driveway of his mansion-ish home and Kiara was still sleeping. Law turned off the engine and managed to get Kikoku out of Kiara’s hands. He kept it in the back seat and got out, went to the passenger side and took the sleeping Kiara in his arms. He took her up to his bedroom and set her on the bed careful not to wake her up.

“Its 11:30, I guess I’ll have to make Brunch then.” Law thought out loud and left Kiara to sleep soundly in his comfortable bed.

~….~ Kiara’s POV

I opened my eyes, it took me a while to realize that I wasn’t in my room. It was a mildly bigger than mine, the comfortable bed was next to a desk filled with what looked like paperwork of charts, maps and… lesson plans? This was Law’s room, I was in his house. On the desk was a framed photograph, I wondered what it was. I got off the bed and took the frame in my hands; it was a picture of Law and the Heart Pirates. Law was sitting on a crate in the middle with a grin on his face while the other guys except Jean Bart, laughed at the camera fist pumping or jumping in the air. It was a lovely picture, Law must really treasure it.

“That was taken in the Saboady before I came here.” I looked and met Law’s gaze. “They said they didn’t want me to forget them so we got our picture taken after I threatened the camera guy.”

He looked at the picture like he was recalling the memories he had with his crew. I kept the photograph back down on the desk.

“I hope you get to go back soon, Law. They must really miss you and you must really miss them.” I said, my gaze reaching the granite floor. Law put his arm around me again and pulled me closer to him.

“Kiara, I’m not going anywhere without you. You are my responsibility, now come on I made brunch.” Law said.


Me: Yep, and another end

Kiara: This TV series is really good

Me: Yeah, Sherlock totally rocks and I'm thinking of writing a slight crossover. What do you think?

Kiara: I think its a fine idea. Though ask your readers as well.

Me: Kay, tell me if you guys want a One Piece/Sherlock crossover with one of my other OCs. Stay Tuned! 

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