I'm sorry, Kiara

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Law: The girls are taking a nap, so I'll be doing this chapter. Chari does not own One Piece. She's made sure to make this chapter fluffy and bloody. Enjoy!


I managed to hold my own but I don’t think I could last much longer, I have even more injuries now and Ayden does not have a scratch on him and I’m getting tired I haven’t fully recovered yet from my over exertion during my fight with Doflamingo. My movements are getting sloppy and I’m slowing down, Ayden got more and more opportunities to kill me but he kept on toying with me, the guy wasn’t even trying.

“You know,” he suddenly said. “I’m getting kinda bored of this fight so I think it is time for you to die. Bye, bye, Kiara Giamante.”

I was only a few feet away, too tired to move fast enough to get away from the large ice spear that came at me. Blood splattered on my face and white hot pain went through my whole body but that wasn’t what I was worried about because the blood on my face wasn’t just my own blood.

“Kiri!” Luffy shouted. “Torao!”

Law had tried to get me away from the spear, to save my life like he had done before but this time we weren’t so lucky the spear had impaled the both of us but Law had the biggest injury. I forgot all of the pain I was feeling everything was on the face of my guardian that had tears streaming down from his eyes. His arms were still wrapped tightly around me and the spear was still embedded in our stomachs, I wanted this to be a dream, I seriously wanted it to. I didn’t give a shit about my injury, the person that gave my life meaning was slowly fading away and I didn’t want him to go. There was huge jerk and the spear was roughly pulled out of us and floated back to his open hand.

“I’m sorry, Kiara, I couldn’t protect you this time. I’m so sorry, couldn’t protect you, you weren’t supposed to get hit, you weren’t supposed to.” Law said, as we both fell to our knees. “Now I can’t even tell you what I always wanted to.”

“No,” I said, firmly but even I couldn’t form proper words. “None of us are going to die, Law. You are going to stay with me, don’t give up on your life, please, I need you. You are my guardian, you are my big brother and you are the person that gave my life meaning. Please, don’t go.”

“I’m your big brother, huh? So, that’s what you thought, I guess that’s okay then.” Law chuckled and held my face. “But just so you know, Kiara I lo…” he fell unconscious before he could finish what he was going to say, I could remember shouting to Chopper, Casey and Jay but then all I could remember was anger; anger and pure hatred towards a certain Dark Emperor. He kidnapped me, he froze my best friends, he impaled me in the stomach and most of all he got Law into the mess too. It would be an understatement to say that I was beyond pissed.

~….~ Normal POV

Kiara stood up after handing Law over to his two crew members and Chopper, she created a room and in the blink of an eye had switched the four frozen forms of Spencer, Ryan, Harry and Phin. She set them near Jay and told him to thaw them out.

“What are you going to do, you are seriously not gonna go fight them with that injury are you?” Casey asked, incredulous.

“No, I’m gonna bring this place to the ground.” Kiara smirked and picked up her sword from the ground. Luffy joined her side and kept a hand on her shoulder.

“You guys go take care of Torao, I’ll keep Kiri safe.” He grinned.

“Make sure you bring her back safe, Luffy or I won’t give you meat for two weeks.” Sanji threatened and that was enough for Luffy to take his job a bit more seriously. They all ran out of the gates with the unconscious Law and the four frozen kids, leaving Kiara and Luffy to face the Dark Emperor and his cronies.

“Doflamingo, Vergo get Straw Hat away from Kiara I want to kill her myself.” Just as Ayden gave the order he was attacked by Kiara who now had a power he never thought the girl would have. The amount of Haki she put out was enough to make the whole place shake and her slashes brought down the palace chunk by massive chunk. Kiara fought, driving in all the hatred she had for Ayden into every slash she released, he hurt Law and made him cry, so he will pay dearly. Ayden never knew that this girl was so strong, he knew that he was prophesied to be beaten by a young Kurieita millennia ago when he was with the first seven and this little brat was the only other Kurieita alive now. No, he will prove that prophecy wrong, he will rule this world and the next. He is the supreme king and forever will be.

“You are a sick bastard, Ayden. GO TO HELL!!” Kiara cried and slashed him, this time wounding him gravely and bringing down the Crystal Palace. Ayden looked down at the slash wound that was on his chest and at the girl that fought so well with an injury of that magnitude.

“I’ll be back for you, Giamante and next time I won’t be so lenient on you.”

Doflamingo and Vergo took hold of Ayden's shoulders and in the blink of an eye they were gone. Luffy was not hurt very badly, just a few scratches here and there but Kiara had lost a lot of blood.

“Luffy, I think I am actually ready to get medical attention now.” She grinned before collapsing, Luffy raced to her side and picked her up bridal style.

“Kay, Kiri. Let’s get you to Chopper.”


Me: *yawn* I don't believe it the next chapter is the finale.

Kiara: Wow, the authoress is right

Law: Knowing Chari she's probably planned a sequel... and gone back to sleep. *sweat drop*

Kiara: Stay Tuned! 

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