More than meets the eye

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Kiara: Here's another chapter!

Me: Yeah and this is where Kiara starts realizing Law isn't who he seems to be.

Kiara: Mystery...

Law:*sweatdrop* Well, since you two are busy being mystrious I'll do the disclaimer. Chari doesn't own One Piece just her OCs. Enjoy!


The TV was turned on and I was watching the news the following morning because I had nothing better to do while my grandmother made breakfast. There were the usual weird Sri Lankan politics I didn’t understand and then came the crime section; the reporter began to relate something very interesting.

“Last night, two of the most well known Mafia gang leaders were found dead next to the Bank of Ceylon. Police are describing it as a very strange death as there aren’t any toxicants in their blood. However, officers examining the bodies found out that the men’s hearts were missing but they cannot understand how the killer managed to get the heart out of their bodies without cutting them open first…”

“Well, if you are Trafalgar Law you could just use your devil fruit powers to get the heart out no sweat and then kill the person.” I heard myself say. It took me a bit of time to process what I had just said; when I did realize how Law like this case sounded I couldn’t help my mind wondering towards a certain biology teacher at my school. Could Sir Law actually be the Trafalgar Law from One Piece, the feared Surgeon of Death? It sounded so farfetched that even pigs flying would have been more believable. Though, you never know… Sir Law is already an insane coincidence.

I went to school the news still on my mind; it’s like a very annoying itch that won’t go away however much I scratch it. The theory always kept coming back to my Biology Teacher. I messed up my hair in annoyance and growled making Reyna ask me what was wrong.

“Did you hear the news today, Reyna?” I asked. Reyna nodded and I explained my theory to her. She was silent for a few moments her brows furrowed in deep thought.

“Well, there’s only one way to confirm whether it has any connection to Sir Law or not. We ask him and see if we get a reaction.” She explained, coming up with a smart solution as usual. I agreed to ask him about the situation during the human biology period we had before the interval.

I gathered up my stuff and headed towards the art room, Nisha and Nina were in front of me talking about something about Ian. I spotted Sir Law talking to someone to the phone; it wasn’t the phone call or the fact that he looked hotter than usual the interested me but it was his hand there was a tattoo of a black circle that hand four T-like things at each angle. I frowned but forced a smile when he spotted me looking at him. He gave me a playful salute and walked off, though that salute allowed me to get a good look at his fingers and my suspicions were correct. D.E.A.T.H tattooed starting from his thumb on each finger, exactly like the super cool tattoo One Piece Law has.

“Kiara! We know you like him but don’t stare so much!” Nisha cried. That brought me out of my thinking trance and I rounded on my friends, eye twitching in anger.

“That’s very funny, Nisha. Though I know you like Ian but you don’t need to talk about him so much.” I countered, smirking. I brushed past her with my trademark grin and she began to scowl at me playfully while Nina laughed. Yeah, they are way better than Rika ever was.

After the art period, I ran up to my class and grabbed my biology books and ran downstairs again. Everyone was there and I joined Rika who did not say anything to me. Sir Law stood at the front of class in his relaxed pose and smirked at all of us. He began the lesson and he gave us a few questions that he told us to complete otherwise it will be 5 marks less in the Assessment. I did the first two and decided to ask the planned question.

“Sir, did you watch the news in the morning today?” I asked.

I saw Reyna’s head go up from the corner of my eye, Rika thought it was a random question and I was happy to keep it that way. She didn’t know shit about One Piece anyway.

I tried my best not to stare at Sir while waiting for his reaction. I expected him to be at least a bit uneasy or hesitant; instead it was the complete opposite. His smirk turned into a sadistic grin and his stormy grey eyes got a childish gleam to it, a very sadistic childish gleam. It was quite scary.

“Ah, that. Well, whoever killed those two men did the job very well. Cause I find Mafia very annoying.” He grinned; I had to stop my jaw from dropping, he was being too blunt. He gives a new definition to the word sadist. I glanced at Reyna, who looked more scared than shocked.

There was a small beep and Sir Law took out his expensive looking phone and read the text message, the sadistic grin got wider. He got up and told us to finish up the questions and that he had some urgent business to do. I watched him leave, with his hand in his trouser pocket.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back. I wanted to question him but that would sound nosy and awkward, so I decided against it. I mean, who am I to pry into a teacher’s personal business.

I went back to class as the bell to signal the interval rang. Sir Law brushed past me, while messing up my hair. I pouted at him and he pretended to not see me. Rika was looking very jealous and this wasn’t playful jealousy, this was actual jealousy. She’s supposed to be my best friend but only I know that she is a female dog, everyone else thinks she is a cool, smart person.

Everything always happens to me.


Me:*crying* I'm so sorry, Kiara!

Kiara: Chari, you are overreacting I'm not mad at you for making me get problems

Me: But, you are sad...*fresh wave of tears*

Kiara: *sighs* Only one thing left. Law make her feel awkward, please.

Law: Ah, now thats a request I would love to take. Chari, come here, cutie.

Me: Ah, no get away!

Kiara: Vote and comment please!

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