The Kidnapping

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Law: The good stuff begins

Me: Definitely, sorry I couldn't post the last chapter earlier, guys. I had exams but I'm back at it and I won't let you guys down!

Law: She means it and Chari doesn't own One Piece, just her OCs.

Me: Enjoy! 


Today was a Monday and the first period we had was Art, I sighed, today again was going to be one of those normal boring days, unless something totally weird happens. Well, to be frank a lot of weird stuff has been happening lately and I kinda like the change even though I almost died; twice. I took my art book out of my bag and reached in to get my pencil pouch when I felt something other than my pencil pouch. I furrowed my brows and looked inside the bag, it was a part of a strange fruit.

“What is it?” Rika asked, noticing my expression. I suddenly realized she was there and waved it off, then took my entire bag with me to the art room. On the way I took the fruit out and stared at it, it was so strange I could barely pass it off for an apple species or something. I could ask Law about it but I couldn’t be bothered going all the way to the science department to ask about a fruit. So I did the most obvious thing a dummy would do…

I ate it.

The fruit tasted horrible but I swallowed everything because I had nowhere to spit it out. I did not feel weird so I let it pass. Now I know you are thinking I’m weird, because I ate a random fruit that I found in my bag but my grandma puts random fruits in my bag all the time so I don’t really give a damn. Also I would know if that fruit was poisonous, because Law once gave us random lecture on how to identify poison. I can’t explain cause it’s a bit long, okay it’s really long. Anyways, I didn’t feel weird.

“Kiara, hey!” came a familiar voice as I was going back to class after Art. I turned around to see a waving Spencer running to me, I ignored the sharp hollow feeling I felt and smiled at him. He stopped next to me and grinned at me.

“Hey, need something from me?” I asked.

“Come on, can’t a guy just talk to his good friend?” he grinned. I grinned too and said that it was true. We were having a lot of free time today, maybe because most of the teachers had gone with the Athletes to do the last days of practice for ISAC (short for International Schools Athletic Championships), I expected Spencer to have gone cause he’s one good athlete.

“I thought you would have gone to the Stadium.” I commented. Spencer shook his head.

“I dropped out, couldn’t be bothered training. I’m not able to concentrate in school after coming back and I’m missing work.” He explained. I nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence.

“Oh, I need to ask you something.” Spencer said, after a few minutes. “Have you noticed that Sir Law can make these weird sphere things and make stuff float around?”

My eyes widened. Okay, how do I answer that? Play dumb and tell he must have been seeing things? Seems like a plan, except for the slight problem that I suck at lying. Okay, Kiara stop being pessimistic, you can do this.

“You must have been seeing things, Spence. I mean how could, Sir Law do that, it’s just stupid.” I laughed, hopefully convincingly. I think it worked cause Spencer nodded looking a tad bit disappointed. I patted him on the shoulder and grinned.

“Hey, cheer up, dude. I mean you’ll find something much more interesting someday.” I said. “Now I guess its best I get back to my class…”

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