The Heart & Straw Hat Pirates

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Kiara: You have that creepy smile on your face, Chari what are you planning?

Me: Oh, nothing. Not in this chapter anyways.

Kiara: Law! I blame you for teaching Chari sadism 

Law: It isn't my fault I like dissecting beings

Me: I don't own One Piece! Oh, shut up you two some of us are working here!


~….~ Kiara’s POV

Well, I certainly didn’t expect Doflamingo to come at me, now I was stuck defending myself from the vicious invisible attacks that came from Doflamingo’s Devil Fruit power. His strings were invisible I couldn’t see where they would come from, I would only hear it at the last second, cuts were all over my body from the attacks that I couldn’t block properly, they burnt like fire.

“Five Strings” Doflamingo grinned, shit here it comes again! I held Kagetora horizontally and managed to block the strings, my whole body shuddered from the impact. Ayden just sat up his throne and watched my plight with an amused smile on his face even Vergo looked somewhat amused. Doflamingo appeared behind me and kicked me straight in the face with enough force to send me flying for at least 20 feet away. Okay, that was the last straw! I gave him the classic death glare and wiped off the trail of blood coming from the side of my mouth and my cheek. I threw Kagetora into the ground and knelt on one knee on the ground, I slammed both of palms on the ground.

“Counter Shock!” I cried and the electricity travelled through the ground and went up Doflamingo’s body, he shuddered violently has the electricity travelled through his body. Okay, I starting to like this move of Law’s.

“Did you like that, Mingo? Well, there’s more where that from.” I smirked and ran at him after sheathing Kagetora. “Counter Shock!” This time I used my thumbs and sent another wave of electricity through his system.

I got away from him and I thought for sure that the last move did the trick but he didn’t seem to fall, I would have done the move again if not for the wave of nausea that came all of a sudden making me fall on to my knees again. I felt like whole body was on fire and I got up after almost 5 minutes of continuous straining only to be lifted up by my t-shirt by Doflamingo.

“A big mistake, sweetie, without knowing the full extent of your strength using it could cost quite a bit. It’s sad you won’t live long enough to correct that mistake I would have loved to fight another Law.” He grinned, I closed my eyes as he lifted his hand to use his five strings move on me again.

“Gomu Gomu no… Elephant Gun!”

The main entrance to the Palace was blown away by an all too familiar move, I cracked open an eye to see if my ears heard right. I felt like crying because they had come all the way just to save me, I thought I was in this alone I never thought anyone would come to save me but to see one of the best pirate alliances there ever was just punched the door open.

“Oi, Mingo put Kiri down now!” shouted Luffy, Law just stood beside Luffy with a sweat drop as the straw hat wearing man tried to get Doflamimgo to put me down. I couldn’t care less, I was in the presence of the Luffy the man who will become the Pirate King. No Kiara don’t get carried away this is really not the time, Doflamingo is about to kill you, don’t get carried away. Wait… this is a perfect distraction, keep looking at Luffy and Law, Mingo, keep looking.

“Hiya!” I cried and planted my foot in Doflamingo’s face, in his confusion he let me go and I quickly grabbed Kagetora and went to Law’s side. Luffy gave me a thumbs up and I grinned at him, well that was before the other captain did something very unexpected. Law flung his arms around me and gave me the classic death hug, the expression on Luffy’s face was priceless, maybe the expression on my face was priceless too.

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