Life has just begun to get better (finale)

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Me: And here is the finale.

Kiara: Sad it has to end, I had fun.

Law: Everything has to come to an end, Kiara but as I said before our authoress probably would have planned a sequel.

Me: I have but I haven't started it yet. I don't own One Piece! Enjoy!


I woke up in a warm bed and I was surprised to find out that it was my own bed in my own room. My stomach sported a very large bandage courtesy of the paranoid Chopper I guess but I couldn’t believe that all just brought me back to my house after all that happened without even saying goodbye. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed something on my bedside table, Law’s furry hat was on it with a folded piece of paper next to it. Then I suddenly remembered that Law was injured too, I grabbed the paper off the table and opened it at light speed. Relief spread through my body as I saw that it was Law’s very neat cursive on the paper.

Hey Kiara,

If you are wondering I am perfectly alright, looks like Chopper can work doctor miracles too just like me but I’ve performed harder operations.

I rolled my eyes, the guy’s ego is bigger than his submarine and his crew (including Jean Bart…) put together.

Sorry, we couldn’t say goodbye but Luffy-ya is shouting goodbye right now so that’s his goodbye done and the other Straw Hats are shouting too. *sigh* Anyways, just so you know, your old bio teacher’s back because Naru kinda made her leave the first time and no one remember that I was a teacher at your school except for you and Spencer along with his friends. Then about that thing I was going to tell you before back on Crystal Island, I’ll tell you when you are older, kay. So see you the next time the Dark “asshole” Emperor decides to cause chaos.

From your favorite Guardian,

Trafalgar Law

P.S- I read some of your stories, thanks for the lovely description.

I blushed a little when I read the last part, I had called Law hot and sexy on more one occasion but I was also angry that he went through my stuff. That was totally mean of him but I still wondered what he wanted tell me at that time I had an idea but that sounded so absurd that I forgot it. I also forgot it because I was greeted by a very frantic Spencer and co. charging into my room and then tackling me into a massive group hug. Grandma and grandpa came in after them and watched the boys fuss over me like mother hens.

“I was worried about you, Kiara but that sweet former teacher of yours told me everything would be fine. Oh, he’s so cute.” Grandma sighed while Grandpa stood beside her with a sweat drop and I sweat dropped too because my Grandma will never change.

Spencer, Ryan, Harry and Phin stayed by my side for at least the three quarter of the day and for the first time in forever I felt like I finally found true friends. When I asked them whether they were going to stay my friends, they said that they would never leave my side even if their lives depended on it and we made a pinky promise to each other that we will be friends forever. That day could be described as one of the best days of my life.

I woke up the next day feeling like a new person, I could go to school and this time I actually wanted to go. I got dressed up, drank my tea and almost danced up to the car, Pharrell Williams’ song ‘Happy’ playing in my mind to match my mood. Law’s little memento was on my head and I refused to take it off even when I was in the car, the furry hat will always be with me and no one will even lay a hand on it. I saw Spencer and the others waving at me from near the gate that lead into the school building and I waved back before running towards them.

Well, what do you know, things actually worked out in the end and who knew that my very normal boring days could turn into something so much fun. Well, I sure didn’t and I am a person who loves surprises and my surprise was definitely far from normal.


Me: And we have reached the end of our story.

Kiara: So until the next one comes

Me, Kiara & Law: Bye!

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