The Crystal Palace & Law's Ally

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Me: Oh god! I am so sorry guys eventhough its my April holidays i have a tonne of work to do because of exams! I'll try to update as much as I can but even that is quite the longshot.

Kiara: Yeah, I so happy I don't have exams!

Me: You'll be getting exams soon enough, Kiara. *Evil Smile*... I do not own One Piece Eiichiro Oda does!


I woke up with a blinding headache, my neck hurt like hell and I was quite lost. Where the hell was I? By the looks of it I’m in a prison cell, presumably a dungeon but this whole place is made of ice! I got to my feet and went up to the bars and looked out. The whole place was bathed in shades of blue, it reminded me of Elsa’s palace in the movie Frozen but this one had an extremely dark aura to it. I was getting bad vibes from this place and I do not want to be here any longer. It’s clear to me that I’m not in my own world anymore, unless this is Spencer’s idea of a joke. Though, even he cannot pull off something so elaborate. I needed to get out of here and find Law or someone I could tell was good.

I started looking around my cell for an escape route, there wasn’t a single escape route visible. I was going to resort to rattling the bars to see if they would come off when I heard the distant echo of boots on ice. I moved away from the bars and sat on the floor with my head down, fear gripped my heart as I heard the footsteps stop in front of my cell. Something told me that I will not like who I see on the other side of those bars.

“FuFuFu… you’re awake.” Came an overly familiar voice. My head shot up so fast I almost got whiplash, my eyes widened in horror as the heavily tanned man in pink gave me his trademark toothy grin. No, this has to be dream, he cannot be here!

“DonQuixote Doflamingo” I managed to choke out. His grin just widened even more, it almost split his face.

“I’m flattered, little Kiara, you know me. The Emperor will be quite pleased with my work, considering I got him the annoying little Kurieita that Law was protecting so dearly.”  Doflamingo grinned, I just stared at him trying to process what he had just said. The grinning man said Emperor and there is only one Emperor I know of and that’s the Dark Emperor which could only mean this place belongs to him! I backed up against the wall even more.

“Welcome to the Crystal Palace, dear Kiara and I Doflamingo and my partner Vergo warmly welcome you here.” He announced and right on que came Vergo with a spoon dangling from his cheek which would have been comical if this situation wasn’t so bad. I could not believe the situation I was in, a psychotic, sadistic and insanely powerful Shichibukai, a former pirate/ vice admiral of the G5 marines and a possibly insanely powerful to the max Dark Emperor under the same roof with all of their heads turned towards me!

“Once the Dark Emperor returns you will be having your appointment with him, remember that, little girl.” Vergo said. I stayed quiet not knowing how to reply, I was scared to death, I couldn’t even think properly. They left me and I hid my head in my hands, I wanted to cry I wanted to just run away and hide under my sheets I wanted nothing more than to be free of all this weirdness but I couldn’t; such is life, I have to find a way out of here.

“You know, Kurieita.” I began talking to the ceiling imagining they were my ancestors. “You guys totally suck, if you really want me to stop the Dark Emperor then tell me a way to get out of this damn room!” A swirl of light blue encircled my hand and disappeared as soon as it came, a small pang of excitement made my heart beat faster.

“Room.” I said repeating the last word and there it was again! The swirl of light blue under my hand just when Law starts to… oh my god! I shot up to my feet and held my hand in front of me.

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