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It was an exhausting day here in Greensboro California. Tons of hopefuls came to audition to win a shot on becoming the next winner for The X factor USA. I hardly know anyone in here, my parents cannot come to this inside, because only the participants were allowed to enter the vicinity, well unless its your turn to audition.

I was just standing here. Just waiting for the audition to start. I roamed my eyes and saw a lot of hopefuls around me. I bet all of them sings good too. Too many competitors here. I wish i would slay my performance.

"Please fall in line and wait for your number to be called, and dont forget to wear your wrist bands," The staff called our attention.

I shrugged and tried to find my wristband.

"Oh shit," I muttered as i reached for my front pocket. Where the hell is my wrist band? I cannot enter the competition without it.

"Hey, I think you dropped this," A soft low tone voice called my attention.

I raised my head and saw a brown eyed angel smiling in front of me.

My heart is racing right now, im finding it hard to breathe.

Seemed like the world around me faded and everything was in slow motion.

What the fuck is happening?

"Hey?" The girl spoke while waving at me. I was stuck just by looking at her.

The brown eyed girl furrowed her eyebrows.
"D,-do i have something on my teeth?" She smiled awkwardly.

I laughed. Wow, one minute i feel so nervous and anxious then with just a blink of an eye, i felt happy and relaxed.

"Oh god, no. I'm so sorry."
I said, shrugging it off then looked back at her. I noticed that she was also staring at me.

"I like your shirt.." She spoke.

I lifted my eyebrows.
"You do? Thanks, my mom picked it up for me." I squealed.

Wow someone complimented my shirt. I love my shirt so much, this is my favourite because of its colour... blue.

"And you're pretty.." She said.

"Why thank you. You are pretty too,"
I quickly answered. I feel like my heart is going to explode right now. This girl is so adorable.

I noticed that the girl looked tensed and shy. It's strange that I've only met her for two minutes but we're already playing this intense staring game.

"So.. uhm," She spoke, breaking the silence between us.
"Here's your wrist band,"

"Thanks," I answered and grabbed my wrist band from her. I put it on immediately.
"There," I spoke glancing at her.

"Perfect," The girl mumbled.


"Uhm, uhh.."
She hung her mouth open.
"I,I-am sorry. I was.. I am,"
The brown eyed girl wast stuttering. She bit her lip and scratched the back of her head.

Oh god. She looks so cute right now.

I smiled at her.
"Go on," I said.

"I am so sorry, I am awkward," She answered then avoided looking at me.

"Oh, hi Awkward." I replied, i bit my lip trying to prevent myself from laughing.

Her eyes widened.
"No! I mean, i am awkward but my name is not awkward. My name is Camila... not awkward and--,"

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