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"Hey Lauser, what's up? How's--"

"I quit Dinah!" I interjected.
I started to cry. I feel so heavy. I was gripping my phone so hard.
"This is just.. I cant take it anymore, please just take the tapes with you. I cannot listen to them anymore. I cannot, please, i just--,"

"Hey! Hey, baby, calm down!" Dinah quickly spoke. "Breathe," She added.
Her voice sounded so worried.

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away.
"How can i chill the fuck out? Camila was struggling, she was depressed. She was misunderstood and we were not aware about it," I said.

I ran my hand through my hair and shut my eyes for a few seconds.

"I know--," Dinah spoke.

"Did you know about the death treats? Rape treats?"

"I was not aware about it before. But, i do know..now." Dinah mumbled.

"Fuck, I cant..." I breathed
"I-,i can't do this any more Dinah."

"Lauren. You have to finish it."

"Why? Why do i have to torture my self and listen to everything. When i know that it's too late. I can't bring her back to life anymore. She's gone." I muttered.

"You need to fully understand Camil--,"

"Fuck it!" I yelled. "She's gone Dinah, can't you hear me? She's dead. Camila is dead. We even attended her funeral, right? A funeral without a body, because her body was pulverised by the explosion and god knows what happened on the rest her remains!" I said.

It was silent. Dinah didn't answer.

"D-Dinah..." I called for her.

"Lauren. Which tape are you now?" Dinah spoke.

I rolled my eyes.
"Are you really..."

"Just answer me please!" Dinah pleaded.

"I'm on tape 3,"

"Oh, god." Dinah breathed.
"You should continue. You're almost there,"

"Almost where?"

"Your tape," She answered.

"What??" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What did i do?"

"You have to find that out." Dinah replied.

I sighed and sat at the corner part of my bed. I don't know what to say. Seemed like i have no choice.

"Lauren? Still there?" Dinah spoke.

"Y,-yeah Sorry. I'm just devastated."
I said. "Hearing Camilas voice, its so fucking sad."

"I understand," Dinah answered.

"How did you.. deal with it? I mean after hearing those tapes?" I asked.

I need guidance because I'm starting to lose my shit here.

"You don't have any idea Lauren,"
Dinah answered.
"But let's just say that i just had to accept the truth."

"Tell me the truth then." I replied.
"Just tell me one thing before i continue this,"

"What is it Lauren?"

"Am i the reason why she left?" I asked.

I bit my lip and waited for Dinahs response.

It was a few seconds of silence on the other side of the speaker.

I heard Dinah sighed.
"Lauren, we don't have to do this,"

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now