TAPE 3 - Side B

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I opened my eyes and it was bright inside my room. I quickly rose from my bed and checked the clock, it's 1'pm.

Damn. I slept for 12 fucking hours. After that talk with Taylor last night.

I checked my phone and saw 10 messages 15 missed calls all came from Dinah. I sighed and turned off my phone. I know she's arriving later, but I need to finish her tape before i see her.

Wait. Speaking of Dinah's tape. That revelation really shocked me. And now, Im scared to listen to the rest of the tapes. Also, i am more terrified to listen to my tape. Seemed like Camila has so many untold stories.

I think i get it now

"Good afternoon honey, late lunch?"

Mom spoke to me as soon as she saw me walking down the stairs. I removed my headphones and put down the cassette player that i was holding.

"Im not hungry." I spoke smiling at her.

"Nah ah. You need to eat. Because you're coming with me."
Mom pleaded as i approach the kitchen.

"What? Where?" I spoke confused.

"You're driving me to my office today,"

I furrowed my eye brows.
"I thought it's your day off."

"It is. But, I'm having a meeting with a very important client. You'll take me there. Then we'll have dinner outside. You need to unwind." Mom replied.

"Wait. Did Taylor mentioned something?" I asked.

Ugh. Taylor... she probably told mom about whatever it is that's stressing me out.

"Like what?" Mom asked.

I looked at her for a few seconds, trying to study her reaction. If she's lying or not. Well, seemed like she's telling the truth.

"Uhm nothing. "
I said, glancing back to the cassette player.

"Okay, we're settled then. You're going out with me. Take a break from those tapes." Mom said while smiling.
"Or you can bring it if you want to. I just need you to drive me to work." She added.

"But Dinahs coming over later."
I said.

"Oh. Its better, let's all have dinner tonight." Mom spoke smiling.

"I really don't have a choice, do i?" I jokingly complained.

"C'mon Michelle, Have some love for your mom." Mom said.

I giggled.
"I'm kidding mom. Of course i will come with you,"

"Thank you honey. I love you."

"I love you too mom." I replied.

"Now, eat this first and we'll leave in one hour." She said, lending me a ham sandwich.

Although my mind is floating and I'm sort of not myself today. I gathered all my remaining energy and accompanied my mom to her office.

Of course i brought the cassette player with me. While my mom was at her meeting. I roamed around her office. I greeted and had a quick chat with some familiar faces, but after that, i went outside and look for a perfect spot to listen to the tapes.

And i found myself here, sitting on a cafe nearby.

I sat at one of the empty chairs and pulled out the player from the pocket of my jacket.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"I can do this," I mumbled.

I put on my headphones then i pressed play.

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