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"Fuck Lauren Michelle, stop it!!"

I said angrily to myself. I was facing the huge mirror while reapplying my make up for the fourth fucking time already. My tears won't stop falling and it will just ruin my mascara again.

The door suddenly opened, i quickly fixed myself.

"H,-hey," It was Camila.
"I was just, going to get,--"

"Just do what you need to do and leave," I interjected.

This is torture.

Camila entered the room and grabbed something from her bag.
"The show is about to start." She said.

I ignored her. I can't look at her or talk to her right now.

"By the way Lauren, i heard that 'Back to me' reached the top ten list. Congrats! I knew it's going to be a hit." She proudly spoke.

I rolled my eyes. That's it.

"Camila please, shut the fuck up."
I said glancing at her.

"Lauren..." Camila breathed. She stopped talking and looked at me.
"Fine.." She mumbled.

"Will you change your mind??"
I asked.


I put down the face brush that i was holding and faced her direction.

"If i let you talk to me. If i let you tell me the things that i want to hear. If i let you pour your heart on me again..will you change your mind?"
I asked, then i looked straight at her.

"Will you stay Camz?"

Camila stood there and stared at me.

I'm waiting for her to say yes. I'm waiting for her to tell me that everything that's happening is a big fucking joke, and that she's really not leaving Fifth Harmony.

I waited for a few more seconds but all i got from her was the look of sympathy.

"You know that everything has been settled." Camila spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"Then stop talking to me!" I yelled.
"Just leave! That's what will happen eventually, right? You're going to leave us all behind. Just because you need to be happy. It's all about your happiness right? Doing what makes you happy without thinking the others will suffer." I muttered.

"You really don't understand everything Lauren." She said.

"Yeah! I really dont understand!!" I yelled. "Camila After all this time? After all of the things that we had been through. After we form this dreams together, in the end it's still about your own happiness, for your own benefit." I said angrily.

"Lauren. I know your'e mad. Im so sorry. But it's not about my happ--,"

"No!!!" I screamed. "Stop talking to me, stop saying sorry because its useless now."

I said, turning my back on her.
"Please,just go." I insisted.

And she did, without saying anything.

And there it was, my tears falling down again. I just don't get it. How can she put all our dreams behind?

After one hour, i found my self here, standing beside her. Waving and smiling to our fans, as if nothings happening, as if nothings wrong. I glanced at Normani, Dinah and Ally, i saw how they all tried to pretend to be happy while performing some of our song's.

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now