TAPE 4 - Side A

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(Since this story is a Camren Fanfic too. Tape 4, which is Lauren's tape, will be narrated thru Camilas point of view.., 😘)

"Welcome to Fifth Harmony Land!"

Dinah said excitedly as she opens the door of our apartment. We just arrived in our new home. Ally,Lauren,Dinah, Normani and I, will now stay in this house while we rehearse and perform for the Reflection Tour. I'm excited because the girls and i are going to live together for the first time. And im happy because I will have to share a room with Lauren. Since we've gotten really close ever since i met her back in Greensboro. Lauren was the very first person i shared my dreams with.

"Wow! This is so amazing." I squealed when I reached the terrace.

The view from the terrace of our apartment is captivating. Our unit was surrounded by buildings and skyscrapers, definitely the perfect view of the city.

I rest my hand on the steel bar and stare at the moon. This is so relaxing. I love this ambiance so much.

"So i really find it amusing."

Lauren appeared behind me.

"What?" I spoke while glancing at her.

"Your love for the sun and the moon.." She said. She stood beside me and stare at the skies too.

"Mmm, Yeah." I spoke smiling at her.
"I think the sun and the moon represents true love."

"Hows that?"

"You see Lern Jergi. The sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe." I answered.
"That's true love. Sacrificing something for the one you love. Without any thing in return,"

Lauren nodded.
"You know what i think?"

I looked at her and shrugged.

"Sometimes, I think of the sun and moon as lovers who rarely meet, always chase, and almost always miss one another." Lauren spoke.

I found my self staring at her.

Okay. Here i go again. This feeling. I'm stuck. Like i'm in slow motion and everything around me faded. My heart was beating so fast. Only Lauren can give me this kind of feeling.

"But once in a while, they do catch up, and they kiss, and the world stares in awe of their eclipse," She added.

I didn't say anything, still my eyes are glued to this green eyed girl.

"Camz?" She said while waving her hand.

"Oh!" I regained my consciousness back. "Y,-yeah right."

"You zoned out again," Lauren said.

"I,i feel cold." I said then avoided looking at her.
"Let's go inside."

I quickly went inside our room, i noticed that Lauren followed me.
I went to my luggage and started un packing.

I glanced at Lauren. I need to be more careful. These past few days, this feeling inside me seemed to grew bigger.  The feeling of attraction towards Lauren. I really dont get it.

What's happening to me?

I could still remember the day that i met her. The day Lauren auditioned for X factor. I was stunned when i saw this beautiful green eyed girl belt out an Alicia keys song so perfectly, i feared for my life. I remember telling my mom "that girl can sing!! and she's gorgeous too!!

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