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"By the way. I'm so glad you're still listening. Are you having fun?"

Seriously Camz? How can i enjoy this?
Now i know that Ally was the first reason, it just made me feel more anxious.

"You must be wondering who's next, and why. Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes? Maybe you did something cruel. Or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn't even realize you were being cruel. Maybe you didn't do anything at all. And maybe you should have. Too late. I think you know exactly what you did. And after these tapes, you'll never forget it. I know I won't."

"What happened to you Camz.."
I whispered.

I climbed upstairs and went back to my room. I threw myself on top of my bed. I closed my eyed and continued listening.

"Hi Mani. Have i told you that i still have your portrait under my pillow? It really makes me feel safe at night."

I smiled and shook my head. I could remember these two dorks fooling around those portraits than a fan gave us while we're on tour.

"I can still remember when i first met you. I'm like, 'uhh, excuse me miss, this is not the audition for Miss Teen Usa,' Because you're really pretty, tall and you have the perfect body. Fit for a beauty queen. You just laughed it out and told me that I'm adorable. Little did i know that I'll form this band with you."

Normani and Camilas friendship is..was, exceptional. Together with Dinah, these three dorks would always fool around. Laugh like there's no tomorrow.

"You're honestly one of the funniest people I've ever met without even trying to be and I love how sarcastic we are with each other and how we click. I love how you scrunch up your nose when you laugh and how you say simewlar instead of similar. Oh, that really ugly face you have when you put lipstick on you literally look so weird but you're literally beautiful. Normani Kordei Hamilton... it makes me so sad, I look at you and get really sad because you're literally stunning. I could still remember our biggest fight, it's when we argue over stupid things like who took longer in the shower."

I heard Camila laughed in the background.


Her laugh, If you asked me 50 years from now how it sounded; I could explain in detail. The way her smile looked. The way her eyes lit up. It was so contagious. Every moment of it.

"I like how close we've grown and how you literally always flirt with me, get away from me... haha, Im kidding. I'm really happy that I know you're there for me when I need you. Remember when someone shaded me for my dancing skills, and you defended me saying that i'm the best dancer you know? Can you remember that Mani? Because i cannot forget about it. You inspired me alot, and in almost 5 years i have watched wide eyed and tongue tied as you've become the woman you are,who stands for what she believes in and fights for what she wants. I've learned so much about life in general and about myself through things that you have taught me. You've taught me to look at certain things or situations from a different perspective. I even promised you that if i could, i would split Paris into tiny little pieces, carry them all the way to Houston Texas and put them back together there so Paris could be your backyard. That's how i love you.....But what happened to us Mani?"

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Every time Camila would say that phrase, 'but what happened to us,' it would only mean that she would tell a sad story.

"Like what happened to Ally, i felt that there was a gap between us. Well yes, you still talked to me, spent time with me after i released my song, but it didn't last. You also started to avoid me. I never asked why. I never confronted you. Because what if I'm just being delusional about stuffs. What if I'm the only one who's thinking about that gap."

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now