END ❤️

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Camila called my name.

"Sshh, Sofi is sleeping..." I smirked then smiled at her. I glanced at Sofi who fell asleep on my lap while watching sponge bob. Poor kid she must've gotten so tired from travelling back and fort from LA to Miami.

I carefully lifted her body and placed her comfortably on top of Camilas bed.

"She's really tired ," Camila spoke as she sat beside Sofi.

I nodded and looked at her.
"How are you?"

"I,-im okay now. Thank you.."
She answered shyly.

I sat beside her.
"Im glad that you're okay now." I said.

Camila looked at me. She paused for a few seconds before she opened her mouth.

"Lauren, what do you think would have happened if we never meet each other that day of the audition?"

I lifted my eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I just.... can't imagine my life without you anymore," She said.

I smiled at her.
"HMM, Maybe, If you never found my wrist band that day, i wouldn't be able to enter XFACTOR, and probably by now, i would just be sitting in front of our television while fan girling over Fourth Harmony,"

Camila giggled.
"Hey...Dont say that,"

"But seriously though, I think i would've missed you, even if i never met you," I said while glancing at her.
"and.. i think i would have know my life wasn't complete, and i probably would have wandered around Miami in search of you, even if i didn't know what i was searching for..." I added.

"Well im really thankful that i found you planet green eyes," Camila said.

She smiled while looking at me. Her eyes met mine. Camila would always tell me how mesmerizing my eyes are, but the truth is, her eyes was the most captivating pair i've ever seen. Felt like, sometimes you meet someone and even though you never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are your new favourite colour. Whenever i looked at her eyes and she smiles, the whole room lit up. She's just as sweet as could be.

"You need to sleep now," I spoke, then avoided looking at her.

"How about you?" Camila asked.

"I'll stay with you until you fell asleep,"

"Okay," She answered while smiling. Camila lay down beside Sofi.

"Come here?" She called me, while lightly tapping the bed beside her. I smiled then positioned my self comfortably beside her. I swallowed hard when i felt Camila wrapped her arms around me.

"Good night Laur," She whispered.

I looked at her and her eyes were already closed.

"Good night Camz," I whispered back.

My right arm was numb as soon as i opened my eyes.

I fell asleep. I look at my right and saw Camila sleeping, her head was resting comfortably on my arm. Beside her was Sofi, who's still sleeping comfortably. I smiled softly as i watch Sofia and Camila sleep. I slowly removed my arm and carefully placed Camilas head on top of the pillow. I fixed her hair, avoiding it from covering her face. I carefully pulled the blanket and covered it to Sofia and Camila.

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now