Five reasons why... i love you. ❤️ (Alternate Ending)

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"May i see your passport?"
The girl at the counter spoke.

"Sure," I said while smiling at her. It's the second time that i am going to ride the plane with my fake identity. So far I haven't been caught.

I lend the her my ticket and passport. She started examining my papers while i stand in front of her. I felt nervous when she suddenly stared at me.

"Yes?" I smiled awkwardly at her then adjusted the baseball cap that i'm wearing.

"Nice hair," She said. "I've always wanted to get a bob cut too. But im afraid that i might look ugly,"
The woman said while gigling.

"Well, It's never too late to start over. Feel free to do what you love."
I said.

"That's inspiring," She spoke amazed.
"Here's your passport Miss Samantha Andrews,"

"Thank you so much." I said happily as i received my passport back.

"Mabuhay! Enjoy your flight to the Philippines," She added.

"Sure, i will." I said, smiling softly.

I grabbed my stuffs and looked at the departure area in front of me. I swallowed hard and glanced at the exit door.

Nope. This is not a happy ending of a chic flick, there's no green eyed girl that's going to show up in front of that door and will ask me to stay.

This is not an ending.

Because this is me opening a new chapter in my life.

"This is it.." I mumbled, then started walking towards the departure area.

No words can describe how i feel right now. But one things for sure.
I've suffered enough. I was hurt, but i am thankful... that despite all of the trials, i realized that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. A light that will heal you, a light that will guide you to find true love and that's what i am going to find now.

The Hurting, The Healing and finally... The Loving.

I wish my self good luck, to wherever this journey would take me.

I sat at one of the benches at the departure area and wait for my flight. I look around and watch the strangers as they pass my way, carrying their large luggages and suitcases.

I looked at my clock. My flight will board anytime soon.


The voice coming from the loud speaker filled the departure area.

"This is the final boarding call for the passengers of flight 372A to Kansas City. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call on flight 372A to Kansas City. Thank you."

I sighed. I thought it was my flight. I crossed my arms around my chest and sat properly. I stared blankly at the huge glass mirror in front of me and watch as the airplanes takes off.

My eyes widened when i noticed a group of police men entered the vicinity. I quickly shifted my sitting position on the opposite side.

"Hi i am officer Martinez, may i talk to the head of security?"

I heard a police officer spoke to one of the staffs.

I fixed the baseball cap that i am wearing, covering my face.

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now