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(This chapter will be narrated from Camilas point of view. All of the highlighted sentences and paragraphs are part of the audio recording. 🤓🤓🤓)

"Last tape,"
I whispered to my self.

I sat in front of my desk and traced my fingers along the buttons of the gadget in front of me. This recorder, which Shawn lend me one week ago, has been really useful. This little mister gadget right here, saw me laugh, cry and vent out my feelings for the past five days that I've been using it. And now, im about to record the fifth tape.

My last reason why.

I adjusted the mini microphone properly.

"Hello? Mic test?" I spoke, testing the microphone.

Sounds normal.

I still have this low raspy voice, which sounded more tired right now since i just finished rehearsing for sound checks because tonight is the start of my first ever solo concert. First night of CC1 tour.

After the long wait, it's finally happening. But... first things first.

I cleared my throat then slid the last blank cassette tape inside the recorder.

"Okay, here we go.." I said as i pressed the red button.

"Hi. I'm glad that you're still listening."

"You survived the four tapes and finally you reached your final destination.. that fifth tape. Maybe you're wondering who is it gonna be? Well.. The long wait is over,"

"This tape is for the awkward girl who's the number one fan of One Direction. For the girl who loves karaoke so much."

"The girl who dreamed big. The girl who started it all...."

"The girl who left.."




"Thats right. It's me. Welcome to my tape. I am the fifth reason why."

"It's cliche right? I mean, Why me?"

"Well.. Because all of the things that happened to me was my choice. I chose this path. This tape is not a rant. This is me telling the story of how it begun and how it ended. And also, this is me saying thank you to the four girls who changed my life."

I smiled softly because i am about to tell the story of how i got in this business and reminiscing that experience never fails to make me feel overwhelmed.

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now