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"Are you ready Ally?" 

Camilas voice echoed in my head. I paused the player and shut my eyes.

What the hell is this? Camila really exerted a lot of effort and spent a lot of time recording these tapes.

I opened my eyes then saw a shadow in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Mom!!" I  scramble  for the player, hitting several buttons all at once.  "Mom, you scared me," I say removing my headphones.

"What's that? What are you listening to?" Mom asked,

I stood up and sat at the corner part of my bed.

"It's nothing. Just some songs that i need to study." I replied.

"On a cassette tape?" Mom asked confused.

"Oh. Uhm. Well you know Jill. She's such a hipster. "I said, reffering to Jill our one of our vocal instructors.

"That's so cool." Mom squealed.
"Can I  listen?" she asks.

My eyes widened.
"No, mom. It's a surprise. Top secret song," I spoke while smirking at her.
"Wait, why are you still up? And why are you here?"

"Well. I woke up and i felt thirsty. I was supposed to go down stairs but i noticed that your light's still open. I came here to check up on you,"
Mom answered.
"It's 3am honey, i think you should get some sleep," She added.

"Okay mom. I will," I answered.

"I'll  leave you in peace." Mom said, then she gave me a quick kiss on top of my head. "Sleep we'll," She said then left.

I wait till the door clicks shut, then I  place a finger over the Play button. My fingers, my  hands, my  arms, my neck, everything  feels hollow. Feels like i do not have enough strength to press a single button on a stereo.

Hitting Play that first time was easy. A  piece of  cake. I had no idea what I was  about to hear. But this time, it's  one of the most frightening thing I've ever done. I'm scared.

I decided to lay on my bed and put the player beside. I need to take a break. I shut my eyes and forced my self to sleep.

The next time i opened my eyes, it was already bright inside my room.

The sun is up.

I stood up from my bed and stretched my arms. I took a quick shower and change to a comfortable clothing.

I don't know what to do next. I know that i need to continue my mission. But im...scared.

I ran my hand through my hair and check my self out in front of the mirror.

"What the hell are you gonna do about it Lauren?" I asked my self.
I looked at the cassette player on top of my bedside drawer.

I sighed and walked towards my bed then grabbed the gadget.

So where am I on this list, among  these stories?



Does it  get worse as it goes along?

So many questions are going on in my head right now. But i did what i had to do, i put on the headphones and pressed play.

"Betrayal. It's one  of  the  worst  feelings. I know you didn't mean to let me down Ally. In fact, most of you  listening  probably had noidea what  you were doing—what you were  truly  doing..."

5 REASONS WHY (CAMREN/FIFTH HARMONY)Where stories live. Discover now