The Truth

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"Where the hell is she?"

I muttered while i search for that brown eyed angel on the crowd.

The audition was over and i got in. After i sang the popular Alicia Keys song and wowed the judges.

I celebrated with my family back stage, but i felt like it's not enough.

I just need to see this girl one last time before we go home.

Camila Cabello.

After i met her, we spent the whole morning together, but we had to part ways because we have to audition chronologically, according to our wrist bands number.

And i didn't event got the chance to ask for her phone number or something. But all i know is that, i had fun talking to her, like she really makes me happy.

I looked for her every where.

My heart stopped as soon as i saw her at the parking lot on the back of the stadium.


She smiled while waving at me. I just love how she pronounced my name.

I bit my lip and smiled shyly.
"Hey awkward," I said while walking towards her.

"I got in!" She said excitedly.

"Wow! Congratulations," I replied.

"Y,-you got in too, right?" Camila asked shyly.

"Yep," I answered while smiling softly at her.

"Yay!" Camila cheered.

I was about to say something, but my eyes widened when suddenly Camila pulled me for a hug.

"Oh," I breathed. I had no choice but to hug her back.

I'm sure i already experienced all kinds of hugs, hug from my family, from my friends, from my boyfriend, but this hug. It's different. It's so soft and gentle.

It's like i would want time to stop so that i can relish this moment for eternity. It brings a tremendous amount of satisfaction and no other thoughts matter right now. Breathing in her sweet smell, feeling her fast beating heart against mine. And the feeling which makes me think that she is all mine and I will protect her.. care for her.

Camila ended our hug.

Thank god, because i felt like i really got lost in that moment.

"I told you. You're going in," She said happily.

"Yeah." I replied. "Why are you here? Where's your parents?"

I'm really curious about her mother and her sister. Because she's been telling me funny stories about them, and i really wanted to meet them.

"I was looking for them. Maybe mom bought some foods for Sofi. Anyway, why are you here?" She asked.

"I-, i was actually looking for you."
I said shyly.

Her eyes widened.

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