Organize The Food Diary

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So heres some ideas to make a organized food diary. Make it this way 👇🏻
- write every single food that u eat.
- include the following hours (when u eat) for example : breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner, late night snack (i don't recommend u to eat a late night snack but if ur really hungry and u just cant sleep because ur stomach growling for some food then u should probly have some)
- i dont really recommend u again to count the damn calories. What i think id that as long as u know ur portion (when ur full ur stop) and as long as u eat healthy then calories not a problem.
-WRITE HOW AND WHAT U FEEL AFTER EATING THE FOOD. Okay this is really important just so u remember and so u dont do the same mistake again. So for example u eat 10 donuts 😂 (okay who knows🤔😂) write how u feel after u eat the frickin donuts like oh my god i feel so horrible and my tummys getting bloated and i just wanted to puke (its ok to exaggerate in ur own diary). It helps i promise.
-make it easy. Just do it real simple and just do it on ur phone note. So it'll be really easy for u to write. Imagine if u use a pretty book/diary (well just thinking abt that makes me lazy to write the food diary). So keep it basic.

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