Two Sheep

22 2 6

Real friends?

I guess I have them.

There are those brunette twins. I don't understand anything they say but I still laugh. I'm happy they are there for me. But do they like me?

There is a ginger that I do not name because I don't remember. But they are amazing at art. I also do not know if they are a guy or a girl...

A short in height blonde haired girl, who I admit I dislike and like. I hate how she gets a new date every 1-2 days. I'm not jealous, just why do people have to date people and break up in a hour?

A chubby short hair girl who I knew all my life. And yet, I cannot open up my problems and feelings to her. I don't know why. Does she even know how I feel? She calls me her best friend... But do I feel the same way?

Another girl, I want to call her my favorite. She is so pretty and looks so happy and is such an amazing artist and to me is better in every way possible. We were best friends. She was amazing. I loved her. She looked like she loved me. And I knew she was hurting inside. I'm not a stalker, I just like to read some of others' old stuff.

Then my brothers' friends. I would get so lonely to the point where if my brother wasn't spending time with them I would, and thus accused of stealing his friends.

Who knew that this second sheep would be my downfall?

I guess it is a good thing it never left.

But I never fixed its fluffy black coat.

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