Lance and Keith

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Not edited 4/17/17

"Lance please pay attention to me!" Allura hollered to her brother who was staring off into space. "WHAT!?" He yelled falling out of his seat. "I swear if father saw this he would kill you." She mumbled to herself. "Don't worry Allura, we'll figure it out soon." Shiro said putting a hand on her shoulder. "If we don't find someone who can pilot the red lion we won't be able to form voltron and stop zarkon." Allura walked over to the couch and plopped down next to Pidge. "Take it easy for now Princess." Coran said smiling. "So what do we do until we find the next pilot?" Hunk asked bringing in some space cookies. "We train hard, its the most we can do. Lance I am talking to you!" Shiro said giving the dad stare. "Why me?!"

"As the Prince of Altea and piloting the blue lion you have a big responsibility." Lance gave out a long sigh. "Fine, I'll-" Suddenly the sirens went off signaling someone was on the ship. "Someone has snuck aboard the ship! Paladins go!" Allura yelled pulling Lance off the couch and shoving him out the door. Lance quickly got geared up and started running towards the lower level of the ship. "Who could even get on this ship without being seen?" Pidge questioned. "Who cares we have to find them now!" Lance responded.

"I found them!!" Hunk said threw the intercom and chased down the intruder. "Hes coming towards you Pidge!!" Allura informed her. "Gotcha!" Pidge ran into the person and shot her weapon at the man, only to fail and be dragged along. "Lance he-"

"I know sis!" Lance smirked and stepped in front of him. The person not knowing this ran straight into Lance knocking them both down making the intruder tumble and hit his head. "Shit." He muttered. Lance got up quickly and pinned him down. "Now who the hell are you!?" Lance roughly tugged his helmet off of him only to find a galra. "Allura." Lance spoke in a mumbled. "Yes?" She replied. "Its a galra!" He yelled.

"I'm not with Zarkon!" The galra struggled to get up. "Oh really that's hard to-" Lance was cut off by him. "My name is Keith I'm looking for Shiro!" Keith panted heavily with an angry expression on his face. "Keith?" Shiro said standing above the two boys. "Your alive!" Keith expression wuickly changed to shocked. 


"Then I built a ship to space looking for you. Turns out I'm Galra blood." Keith spoke while Pidge was bandaging Keith up. "I'm sorry Keith I didn't mean to send everyone after you. You didn't have to sneak in." Allura said softly smiling. Lance rolled his eyes. Hunk came running in the room. "The red lion is" He said in between breathes. everyone quickly got up except Lance of course, and went to check out what was happening. Coran stayed behind with him to make sure he was okay. "Prince is everything alright you have been in a bad mood sense Keith and Shiro started talking. "I don't like the idea of a Galra on this ship. If my sister doesn't remember who destroyed out planet and killed father." Lance crossed his arms acting like a child.

"Alteans are kind and don't always rush to violence like you do Lance." Allura said standing in the door way walking over to her brother. "Listen you're not going to like this but Keith is the pilot we have been looking for." She spoke avoiding eye contact with Lance. "No! We are not having another Galra control one of the lions!" Lance stood up. "You are not the one in charge here Lance! I am!" Allura said getting in his face. Lance shoved his sister to the ground and walked away from her. "Whatever."

Allura was shocked, Lance has never hurt her before. Coran ran over to her and helped her up. "He is just upset Princess." Coran tried to comfort her. "I know but that was a little uncalled for." Shiro and everyone else walked into the room. "Where di Lance go?" Hunk asked out of the blue. "To his room. I wouldn't bother him." Allura replied. This was the start of a romance


Hurts Like Hell- Klnace Altean Lance X Galra KeithWhere stories live. Discover now