Kid Flash X Reader

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! Welcome to another chapter with the gorgeous Wally West AKA Kid Flash. I thought this ginger needed another chapter, but don't tell him I said that, he'll just get cocky😏. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Key: Y/N= Your Name

Your POV:

Tonight I've taken the role of patrolling the city, because everyone else is busy and I wanted to be helpful. If I had known it was going to be raining, I would've declined.

So instead, I'm now stuck on a rooftop in the pouring rain with nothing but my hoodie from my super suit, to protect me.


The only thought running through my mind is, thank god I insisted on attaching a hoodie to my suit, or this could be a whole lot worse. I only have to patrol until twelve, which isn't too bad considering it's only half an hour till twelve.

Just as I'm doing a last minute scope throughout the neighbourhood, I notice a small gang crowding around a young woman. They're also carrying knives, obviously they're trying to inflict intimidation and fear on their prey but it doesn't work if they're being hunted by a predator.

I swoop down and take out one man from the side and another from the other side, then I disappear. The leader looks around for his mates, but then his face is written with fear. The leader tries to shield his fear with confidence, but it still doesn't hide the fact that he's scared.

"W-who's there?" He says.

Then I sneak up behind him and whisper..."Boo", and deliver a strike to his head.

"He's gonna feel that in the morning" I smile.

Then I look behind me at the lady, who is still in shock.

"It's okay now, don't worry, you're safe. Can you get back home alright?" I ask sweetly.

She nods and slowly walks away, stumbling here and there. I watch her a little longer to make sure she's still okay by herself. Then I make my way back home and get changed into my pyjamas.

Before I go to sleep I hear my phone 'ding'.

Wally: 'Finished with patrol?'

Me: 'Yep, heading to bed now, seeya tomorrow 😘'

Wally: 'Night❤️'

Then I close my eyes and snuggle into my pillow.


Time Skip to the morning

A harsh cough echoes throughout my empty apartment, making my throat even sorer than before I started coughing. I've been lying in bed all morning putting up with this stupid cold, although I'm too lazy to get up and make something to help me get better.

Just then I hear some loud knocking coming from the front door, but I just groan and ignore it. Then I hear the annoying knocking again, so this time I snuggle far under the covers. Thankfully, the knocking stops and I begin drifting back to sleep.

Suddenly, my front door slams open and I hear a whooshing noise, then the covers are ripped off of me and someone begins tickling me. At first I'm in fits of laughter, but that shortly turns into another fit of coughing. Whoever was tickling me stopped patted my back until I stopped coughing.

"Hey, Y/N are you alright?" A familiar voice asks.

I turn around to face a worried ginger, and I try my best to give him a welcoming smile.

"I'm sick" I say, my blocked nose becoming obvious.

"I can see that" He responds.

Then Wally looks like he has a lightbulb moment and he speeds out of the room and begins clattering in the kitchen.

I grab the covers from the ground and wrap myself up in them. Then Wally comes speeding in and drops off a box of tissues on my bed, an extra blanket and carefully walks in with a cup of hot chicken soup.

"Thanks" I mumble.

I sip the soup and smile as the warm liquid travels down my throat and into my stomach. Then Wally comes in with some cold tablets. I swallow them whole along with the rest of my soup to help it all go down.

"I probably caught the cold from patrolling last night in the rain" I tell him.

I sneeze and Wally hands me a tissue.

"I told you not to stay out late" He scolds.

I just shrug.

"Hey, let's watch a movie" He suggests.

"Sure" I say.

We basically binge watch a whole lot of movies for the rest of the afternoon, until I start getting dizzy and I suddenly get really hot, but I start shivering as if I were cold. Then, I begin rolling the blankets down because it is too hot, but then my teeth started chattering really loud.

"What's wrong?" Wally ask, worry evident in his tone.

"It's so hot in here" I reply slowly.

He then grabs me and positions me lying down as I hug him and snuggle close to his side. Then he begins patting me and telling me to close my eyes and fall asleep. Instantly, I begin to calm down and drift slowly to sleep.

Even after I fall asleep, Wally continuously pats my back to show comfort. Before he too begins to fall asleep he kisses me gently on the lips.

Then a faint whisper is heard.

"I love you"

This chapter was a little shorter than others but that's alright! Also I know the whole 'sickness' plot is quite a popular one used often in one-shots but we need a nice fluffy chapter once and a while, right?

Anyway, so long my fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!


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