Red Arrow X Reader

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! We're back again with the gorgeous, the graceful and the handsome Roy Harper! A big thanks for reading this chapter, especially those who I know will be reading this at the early hours of the morning so good luck to you and you may be needing a buzz of caffeine to keep you going. High fives for encouragement!


Key: Y/N= Your Name P/C= Preferred Colour S/H/N=Super Hero Name

Your POV:


Picking up my phone, I click it on to check the time for the millionth time in the last hour.

I'd understand if he were ten or twenty minutes late, even thirty would be alright if I got a make up kiss for his tardiness, but an hour?! I will not have it, no man should keep their beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend waiting all night long like some hopeless Juliet character yearning for her Romeo.

At least, I'm not like that anyway, I can't be kept waiting for long and Roy is pushing the limit.

"Ugh and I put in so much effort to make things nice" I blow out the candles across the room before putting the now cold dinner in the fridge for leftovers.

Changing out of my formal attire, I step into my P/C supersuit and place on my matching mask to conceal my identity.

"Mr Red Arrow is going to get a little visit from a very unimpressed S/H/N"

Leaping out the window, I scour the rooftops for the red-headed idiot I call my boyfriend and pull out my communicator to dial the desired number.

"Batman speaking" A monotone voice responds.

"This is S/H/N to HQ, I'm requesting a location search for Red Arrow please. His sorry ass better have a good excuse as to why he missed date night" I growl.

"And that was need to know information" Batman grumbles back.

"Woah woah woah...hold on. Was that sarcasm?" I grin.

"I'm not all scowls and glares you know, I have so many teenagers that I picked up their sass along the way" He replies.

"He even said the word sass. You're a whole different person tonight Batman, could it be all the caffeine you've induced to stay up working late?"

"I am a natural creature of the night, I'm used to long hours"

"I like our chats, we should talk more often, you have quite the humourous side to you"

"Error, Red Arrow cannot be found" I hear the robotic voice of the computer drone in the background.

"Strange" Batman says.

"Why would he be off the grid? There shouldn't be any comm interference unless he completely destroyed it or is way underground or high in the sky" I think.

"Shit! That idiot has gotten himself kidnapped hasn't he?" I groan.

"Talk later Bats, I gotta go save my man"

"Good luck" With that I end the call.

"Geez Red, can't even take care of himself without me around" I chuckle.

Pulling out a GPS machine from my belt strap, I turn it on and it immediately begins working its magic. A pulsating red dot appears unmoving on the screen and surprisingly nearby.

Another reason why he's so lucky, is because I take extra precautions in case someone decides to lie about where they're going. Since I'm a stalkerish kind of partner, I find no problem in planting a few hidden trackers on his uniform. Within a matter of minutes, I've caught up to the dot on the screen where I'm now currently standing directly above it. Shutting off the GPS, I manage to find a ventilation shaft large enough for me to fit in, but it's not like I haven't crawled through a million vents in my entire hero career.

"It's never easy is it?" I huff, squeezing my body through the vents.

"Maybe I should lay off the carbs"

Looking through one of the openings, I still see no sign of Red Arrow strapped to a chair, tied to a wall or anything else cliche.

"Come on you little bugger, where did you hide my boyfriend"

"You really need to stop mumbling" A voice comments out of the blue.

Before I know it, my body is falling through the air before connecting harshly with the concrete below.

"It gives you away."

Sitting up, I look up to spot a young teenager in a dark hoodie, jeans and sneakers. Okay then, if this is the normal age of villains then I am seriously worried that Roy has been captured by a boy around the age of sixteen or seventeen.

"You're the abductor?" I ask with uncertainty.

"I know my age may be shocking to you, but I'm perfectly capable of villain's work. Despite how young I may appear, I am very intelligent" He chatters away.

"You know what, I don't care. Just get the hell out of my way, tell me where Red Arrow is and I promise I won't hurt you" I grind out, standing up and brushing myself off.

"I'm afraid I can't do that"

"Look, kid, I know Red can get annoying sometimes and tends to piss people off without intending, believe me I know, but that's no reason to abduct him for revenge"

"Who ever said I wanted Red Arrow?" He laughs as if I were the dumbest person ever, which I'm not.

"I only kidnapped him to get to you. For years I've been studying you ever since you first debuted as a superhero and I've grown a certain crush on you. It sparked so much anger in me when I found out about your relationship with Red Arrow, but that's alright now, I can have you all to myself now" He grins maniacally.

"*sigh* The psychos just keep getting younger" (Guess who I just quoted😉)

Holding up my fists, I get into an offensive stance and prepare for a fight...not like this kid is going to give me much of one anyway.

"You really think it's a good idea to fight? I warn you, for years I've copied your abilities and studied martial arts. I'm not going to be an easy target" And there goes his ego.

After that statement, I've decided I've had far enough of these trivial games. Springing forwards off my back foot, I land a swift jab to his neck, hitting him right on the windpipe hard enough to knock the breath right out of him.

"Hey, you're dealing with S/H/N and I'm one badass bitch" I flash my famous cheeky smile before punching his lights out.

That should keep him out for a while, but he will have some bad bruises by morning

"Bingo" I spot a iron door over to my right. This kid really is an amateur.

Busting down the door with great force, I stumble inside to find my beloved, yet very stupid, boyfriend.

"Oh Roy! Your maiden has arrived to rescue you!" I holler, strutting in to find him in a very tight situation.

"MMM!" His words are muffled by a gag, along with his entire body completely hogtied with thick rope.

"And you call me high maintenance" I smirk, pulling out the gag.

"Y/N, you have no idea how happy I am to see you"

Leaning in close to him with a deadly grin, he has no where to run.

"That's Mistress/Master Y/N to you, Roy, you're now two hours late for our date" I pout, before smashing my lips against his in a greedy kiss that I've been longing for all night long.

"I love it when you talk dirty."


That's all for today guys, thanks again for reading and staing loyal to this stor as always. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next chapter!

So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!


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