Batboys X Reader (Ending)

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! As requested by AkiAki232 I have made an ending to the Batboys X Reader chapter I did a while back. I've decided to spice it up a bit and have an ending for each batboy based on which brother's route you choose!

A quick reminder, you and the boys are all around fifteen years of age just like last chapter and we're starting where we last left off.


Key: Y/N=Your Name

Your POV:

After screaming for help at the top of my lungs, I realise I'm trapped in a mansion which is like an endless maze with nowhere to run without being caught, but there are a million places to hide.

"If Bruce won't save me from his sons, I'll have to save myself" I huff.

If these four boys are part of the Batfamily then surely there's an entrance to a Batcave, meaning a good place to hide.

Now where would I find a hidden cave?

Bolting into the nearest room, I find myself in a sitting room/library. Perfect. If it's not here I don't know where it will be.

The first place I go is directly to the bookcase, pulling out every book partially to test for a hidden switch or one of those cliche hidden doors. After checking through almost every bookcase, I find my efforts tedious and hopeless, instead a huge waste of my precious hiding time.

"Oh come on! If I were a giant superhero HQ where would I be hidden?" I ask myself.

Suddenly it seems like life isn't against me for once as an old grandfather clock chimes loudly on the hour. My face lights up immediately as I dash over to it. Pulling on the clock, it moves aside to reveal a dark archway leading down. Not even looking back, I practically leap down the stairs with haste.

"Woah" I awe at the giant cave.

Cool gadgets, automobiles, outfits and such.

"Tick this off the bucket list"

Thinking quickly, it seems that the Batmobile might be too obvious and I don't want to disrespect Batman's merchandise. Hearing a noise nearby, it reverberates against the cave walls and echoes in my ears, striking fear in my heart. I have to find a good spot and fast.

Eyeing the Batman cape lasily draped over the chair of the Batcomputer, I put it over my head and hide under the control panel. Tugging the chair in to make myself less visible, I ball up my body tight and wrap the black cape around me fully to blend into the darkness I'm surrounded with.

Soon enough, I suck in a breath and stay dead still as footsteps land at the feet of the steps into the cave. Four sets of two spread out around the cave, searching thoroughly for their prey-ahem-me.

"Where could Y/N have gone?" I hear the eldest brother question, almost in sadness.

How could they have found em so easily?

"The door to the sitting room was left suspiciously open, not to mention the amount of disturbed books on the bookcases" Damian declares matter of factly.

Well shit.

"I'll find Y/N first I bet you!" Tim challenges.

"Shut up and keep looking!" Jason barks.

They eventually all trail away from my area, giving me the chance to breathe easy for a second, but what I didn't expect is the chair blocking me from view suddenly pulled aside roughly and leaving me very exposed.

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