50K Special!

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys!




I cannot express how shocked and overwhelmingly happy I am for this book to have reached 50K, something I only imagined in my dreams that could ever happened. It's all thanks to you wonderful people who support me and this book by voting and most of all just reading makes my heart swell knowing that people are actually reading my stuff.


*le gasp*


Even now this book has been around for almost two years now and I appreaciate everyone who has stuck with it through thick and thin until now.

So, I thought I might give you all a bonus chapter dedicated to all you readers out there for our 50K special!


Key: Y/N= Your Name

Your POV:

"Where are we going?" My soft voice asks in wonder and slight concern, considering I know how much trouble the boys like to make within the team for the sake of their entertainment. 

Well, some of them anyway, but that doesn't make me feel any more safe due to the fact that I'm blindfolded and being guided by the four boys of my team in the pitch blackness of an unfamiliar place.

"You'll see" One answers. I can practically see the grin on their face due to the tone of their words.

"Stop here" I obey the order and halt, both in anticipation and confusion.

Untying my blindfold, the pitch darkness is replaced by the flip of a switch and light immediately floods the cave.


I hear hundreds of different voices shout, the sound bouncing off the cave walls and making me jump out of my skin. Along with the voices are many flashes and combinations of different coloured supersuits and pairs of masked or revealed eyes staring back at me, wide smiles and grins adorning their faces with glee. 

"Wow" Is all I can utter, everyone bursting out into laughter at my reaction.

The entire cave is overdecorated in string lights hanging from every available position, lighting up the room like a sea of a million fireflies. Many different varieties and multicultural foods line the tables like a large banquet. But most of all, in the crowd of people in front of me, there is not one superhero that is not currently present in this room. For some reason, the entire Justice League and Young Justice teams along with every known superhero I know of is gathered before me.

"What is all this for? I don't recall it being my birthday yet" I chuckle, still half in awe.

"It's your anniversary of course!" My team shouts as if it's the most obvious occasion in the world.

"Anniversary?" I tilt my head in confusion. 

"Today marks the exact day you joined the team a year ago!" Kidflash exclaims.

"We always have a huge party for the anniversary of a new superhero joining the team" RObin states.

"B-but surely I'm not so special to deserve such a huge gathering of not only the entire league but all the heroes that ever existed" I nervously smile.

"Jeez Y/N, stop being so humble and accept it, we worked hard for you after all" Artemis gives me a pat on the back.

"You may not think of yourself as special, but we sure as hell do" 

"Yeah, without you we would have never gotten to where we are now, you are a viable asset to the team" They encourage.

"To us, you're irreplacable, the most special person we have ever met"

"You're ot just a friend, but a part of our family"

My eyes are wide in shock. Never had I thought that I was this loved by my team and their words have tugged at my heartstrings. 

A large and wholehearted smile breaks out onto my face, tears soon following in a rush of happy emotions that makes my entire body swell with adoration. Seeing me bawling soon makes everyone else have happy tears of their own in their eyes, some full on sobbing joyfully like myself and others silently sniffling.

Soon enough, my team engulfs me in a large embrace, urging the rest of the people gathered behind to join in on the big family group hug.

"I love you guys!" I cry out, hugging back and laughing.



"H-hey guys? Can we eat yet?" 



Alright everyone, that's all for now I'm afraid! A huge thanks again for reading today and every other chapter as well. May there be many more moments like these in the future!

So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!


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