Robin X Reader (Dick Grayson)

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! I'm feeling super pumped today since I got this great idea when I was riding home on the bus, and I thought of this extremely cute chapter and I've been really excited since I got home. 

So please, enjoy!

Key: Y/N = Your Name L/N= Last Name E/C= Eye Colour

Your POV:

Sitting quietly at the back of the room, keeping my head down trying not to be seen and asked any questions by the teacher. Because I hate being the centre of attention, and I get particularly flustered when I'm asked a question in front of the whole class, in the end I tend to make a huge fool out of myself. 

Instead I draw small sketches of a certain young superhero. For some reason he fascinates me, maybe the fact that he's stereotyped because of his height motivates me not to be so shy and scared all the time, plus he saved me a while ago and has been dropping by occasionally after I get home from school. Although I don't mind the company, because I'm usually lonely.

I totally don't have a teeny tiny crush on him.

"Miss L/N, what is the answer to this question?" The teacher asks, pointing to the board.

I look up, nervously brushing some hair out of my face as everyone's eyes meet mine. Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, I began to tremble with fear as everyone looked at me eagerly, including the very famous, very smart, and very handsome, Dick Grayson.

"I-I u-uh I, I...don't know sir, I'm sorry" I stutter, mumbling the last part and hiding my face behind the messy parts of my bun. (If you can't put your hair in a bun cause it's too short, just roll with it or make up another hairstyle with that wonderful imagination of yours😉)

That's when the judgmental mumbling began, along with hushed chuckling. Looking up slightly, I notice Dick with a sad smile on his face, instead he raises his hand.

"*sigh* Miss L/N please pay more attention next time. Now mister Grayson, would you like to answer this question instead?" The teacher states.

"It would be my pleasure, sir" Dick replies.

For the remainder of the lesson, I continued to write down notes but keep my head down as well. When the bell finally rings, I silently thank the lords.

After packing up my stuff, I make my way through the herd of migrating children that are all making their way out of the school. Sadly I was caught amongst the tsunami of people and dragged along with them, with people pushing back and forward against me. Man, we really need traffic lights.

Once I finally broke free of the swarm, I sprinted to the bus, hoping to get a seat. Although, I put too much faith in luck, because I seem to have terrible luck today.

I end up having to stand near the front of the bus, it can't possibly be worse than having to stand up and be squished in between other people. Until Dick Grayson got on the bus and stands right next to me.

How could I forget he catches the same bus as me. 

Blushing, I turn away in hope of eliminating any chances of him noticing me, as long as I look anywhere but him, I shouldn't be noticed. The whole bus ride, I managed to avoid looking at Dick and I'm pretty positive he hasn't seen me. 

When the bus gets closer to my stop, I press the button and prepare for my departure. Suddenly the bus slams hard on the brakes, causing the whole bus to jolt forward so fast that it could give us all whip lash. That's when I happened to loose my grip on the chair I was holding onto, and fall right on the person next to me.

Again, I just don't seem to have any luck at all today, especially when it comes to publicly embarrassing myself.

Trying to soften my landing, I put my hands up as a shield as I crash into somebody and fall down to the ground with them. One of the first things I notice, is the hard chest I have fallen on. 

As the bus slows to a halt, I cautiously raise my head and look up at the person who cushioned my fall. As he groaned, most likely in pain, my jaw dropped as I realised who I just fell on. The same crystal eyes I know too well, meet my E/C ones which causes me to blush upon instinct. Then, I immediately jump up off of him and mutter many jumbled apologies in the heat of the moment. After my endless stuttering and blushing, he picks himself up and gives me a kind smile as I grab my stuff and get the hell outta there. 

Of course I shouted one last apology before exiting the bus and bolting home. 

After rushing home, I dump my stuff and face plant on my bed with a flustered huff, my cheeks still displaying a pink hue. Sitting up on my bed, I recall the recent moments, his kind smile and  his beautifully sculpted chest, at least that's what it felt like. Oh what I'd give to touch it again.

My cheeks flare up at the last thought, as I grab a pillow and scream into it.

"Wow, you sure look cute when you're flustered" I voice says.

I tense and remove the pillow from my red cheeks, looking over at where the voice came from. There, standing in all his glory was Robin, with his signature smirk clearly present on his face.

"H-how did you? When did you? What!?" I exclaim.

He chuckles softly as I become even more flustered at his comment and sudden arrival. Although the laughter was short lived, when an 'oof' sound was made from him when I pegged a pillow right in his face.

I pout and cross my arms as the pillow dropped from his face and onto the floor. 

"I don't like being teased" I respond.

"Couldn't help it" He smiled.

Before I knew it he was lying on my bed next to me reading through my maths book with interest. How does he even move that fast!?

"Hey give me my book back, it's personal" I whined.

"What's personal about a maths book?" He inquired.

"Some people aren't good at maths and like to keep their failure private because it's embarrassing" I explained, trying to snatch back the book but failing.

"Well if you need help why didn't you ask, I can help you out" He suggests.

"Really, that would be great!" I exclaim.

"No probl..wait is this a drawing of me?" He asks.

Then I flush again for the millionth time this day, finally snatching back the book and closing it tight.

"No..." I mumble.

"You're a good drawer, but you got the hair all wrong" He states.

I give him a 'seriously, we were having a moment' look, before he bursts out laughing.

"Shut up!" I shout, about to hit him with the pillow again.

This time he counters by grabbing my arms and pulling me down onto him. Then he stares intensely at me and leans forwards to peck my gently on the nose. Which, can you guess?... caused me to blush a deep red.

"Told you that you looked cute when you're flustered" He chuckles.

Then I smile and chuckle along with him, laying my head on his chest. That's when I noticed it.

"Wait a second, I know this chest"

Yay! Another chapter complete, I hope you all loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it. Also, this chapter seems to have reflected my life at school quite a bit, minus the hot boys and blushing and falling over on the bus. (Not that I even have boys at my school).

Anyway, enough about my boring average life. So long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!


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