Beast Boy X Reader

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! orry for the wait, but I'm back and I bear the gift of a new chapter!  Alright, enjoy!

Your POV:

Keeping my head low, I walk through the crowded corridor of the school, trying to remain unseen. I went to sit on the freshly cut grass outside, isolated from everyone else. I took out my camera and began taking some random pictures, until I focused on a green skinned, pointy eared boy. 

Before I lowered the camera, I took a few shots and smiled, happy with my photography skills. 'Or maybe, Garfield Logan is really photogenic' My internal voice, chimed. Then I blushed at my thoughts and continued taking photos. 

When the bell rang, I advanced to my next class.

Time Skip

Once school was finally over, I made a quick dash to my abandoned, one person, apartment. I print out all my favourite photos I have taken today, and stick them into my scrapbook. Looking back at the scrapbook, I smile at the memories I've made, and the crush I've developed.

That is particularly evident with all the pictures of Garfield in the book. 

I know it sounds like I'm an obsessing weirdo who takes pictures of people without their consent, but I find that when I take photos of people, I can see their inner voice or their true person. 

Garfield is different though, and that's why he intrigued me when I first took his picture. His inner person is like the entire animal kingdom crammed into one, magnificent specimen.

Here I go again with my weird thoughts.

Of course I have no idea what it means, I'm probably just crazy, which seems to be what everyone else thinks. Although, I don't care what people think, as long as I avoid them, I can't hurt them.

Time Skip

The next day at school, I was walking through the gates and I held up my camera, taking photos of the beautiful morning. Then suddenly, a group of girls bumped right into me, knocking me and my camera to the floor, where it made a sickening crack. My eyes widen as I look at my smashed camera in shock.

"Oops, sorry" I heard them say. 

Then they tried to hide their laughter, but failed miserably. Then they deliberately trampled over my already smashed camera, even more.

Hearing the glass crack once more, made my blood boil. My hands clenched into fists, turning my hand white and probably leaving an indent from my fingernails. My body language and aura, had turned into one of  fury. People around me saw this and took cautious steps back, as I lifted my head and glared at the blonde headed, barbie, demon. 

A vicious growl erupted from my throat, which everyone in a ten metre radius, heard clear as day. Including the barbie demon.

Taking one look at her smug looking face pushed my anger right over the edge, as I stood up and took a threatening step forward.

"What are you, some kind of animal?" She giggled.

Those were the words that made me snap.

I felt my teeth enlarging and my fingernails grow, both to a deadly extent. Before blondie could even react, I launched myself at her, knocking her to the ground. I scratched her arms on the way down, keeping a death grip on her. Her eyes were wide, with tears and she let out a shrill scream.

Horrified gasps and screams were heard all around me, but that didn't matter to me, all that mattered was my target. At this point I didn't know who was in control, me or my anger. 

I growled ferociously, bearing my fangs, and my eyes had probably already gone yellow and wild. Blondie sobbed and pleaded for her life, her face tear stained.

Seeing the fear in her eyes, I gained control again, my teeth and fingernails retracting to their normal size. I let go of her and stumbled backwards onto the ground, my eyes hopefully going back to normal as well. Looking at everyone cowering away from me, and with terrified appearances, tears began to stream down my face.

I had vowed to myself, ages ago, to control my wild side, and to never harm anyone, no matter what. Now, I have broken that vow.

Then my eyes landed on the one I developed feelings for. His eyes were wide in shock, but surprisingly, not in fear. Although, I couldn't stand seeing everyone so afraid of me, so I ran. 

I ran all the way back to my run down apartment. I still needed one more thing before I flee the city. Dashing into my room, I grabbed my scrapbook full of memories and a backpack with everything I owned, which isn't much at all. 

Before I made my way out the door, I saw a green bird sitting on my open windowsill. 'How odd' I thought.

Then the bird unexpectedly flew inside my room, morphing into none other than Garfield Logan.    

I nearly fainted at the sight, but something more important was running through my mind...

'Garfield Logan is in my room!' I fangirl.

I shook my head, clearing the thought. Then he looked at the open scrapbook on the floor, and it happened to be on the page full of photos of him. I blushed hard, as he bent down and picked it up, having a look. 

"These are really good" He says.

I smiled as he handed me the book back. Then I realised what had happened ten minutes ago, and I stepped away from him. He then came closer, with a look of hurt on his face. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, worriedly.

I hug my book closer to my chest and look down.

"I-I don't want to hurt you" I whisper, in a small voice.

The silence was deadly, but I didn't dare to look up, ashamed of what he might think of me. Suddenly, I was pulled into a warm embrace, and my eyes widen in shock. Then I snuggle into his chest, feeling safe in his arms.

"I know you might think you're a monster, but you're not" He murmured into my ear.

"If anything, you're a beautiful princess" He whispered.

A warm, fuzzy feeling spread throughout my entire body and soul. Which gave me the courage to reach up and gently peck him on the lips. He stiffened at the action, but continued holding me tight.

"Thank you, Garfield"

Alright, sorry about the double time skip but it wouldn't have worked without them. Praise the lord for inventing them or my job would be a lot harder, having to fill in the gaps with boring stuff that nobody wants to read. 

Anyway, so long fellow fangirls/fanboys! Until next time!


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