Beast Boy X Reader Sequel

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Hello fellow fangirls/fanboys! Firstly, mega apologies for being over a month late with the update but it was that time of the year when all the important exams start, and thank goodness I'm done for another year! So, today's chappie is requested from Mcguirekayla15 as a sequel to the BB X Reader I did a while ago where the team gets turned into little kids, except this time you're the lucky person being turned into a kiddy instead! I'm aiming for a more fluffy approach to this one as the last one somewhat had, so I hope you like it!


Key: Y/N=Your Name

Your POV:

Luckily, by the time I had woken up on the couch in the Cave, all the sleeping little children beside me had been returned to their normal age and size as the YJ team. Thank God for Nightwing actually helping me out for once and not being a dick and watching me suffer with little super-powered kids pulling at my limbs and hair.

Also, after that whole ordeal, I had learned my lesson about being late to team meetings and am now one of the earliest people to every mission or gathering. Which is much to the others' and Batman's surprise because they no longer has to wait for me to arrive before debrief...and I don't have to suffer from a Batglare anymore.

Speaking of missions and being on time, guess who's the only one waiting for today's mission debrief and no-one else is here yet? Me.

Just when I plan to wait around the zeta tubes and jump scare everyone when they arrive, the zeta tube voice makes a weird sound I've never heard before. Suddenly, some strange object comes shooting out of the tube and skids across the floor to a halt.

Um, okay? I mean, I've seen my fair share of odd things considering I'm part of a super-powered superhero team, but this has never happened before...except when the team said-

"WAIT NO AHHH" Coming to a sudden realisation, I bolt in the other direction after being too close.

Before I can get too far, the object explodes into a cloud of gas which I immediately choke on and burst into a coughing fit. Good going Y/N, inhale the strange gas that came from nowhere.

"Hey why is the Cave so big?" I gaze up at the huge interior structure and bring my hands to wipe my eyes.

It's then that I notice I have small and chubby hands instead of mature ones. After seeing this, I look down at the rest of my seemingly tiny five year old body and shrunken super suit to perfectly fit my currently small size.


Well, 'poof' and I'm suddenly turned into a five year old. Just how BB and the others explained.

"BB! That's it!" I reach for my now very small communicator and pray to Batman that someone has theirs turned on.






"Oops I said that out loud." My cute voice stutters, "Never mind, a figure of speech!"

"H-hold on, Y/N?"

"The one and only"

"Your voice, how come you sound like a kid?"

"I dunno, maybe because I am one AND THAT STUPID OBJECT TURNED ME LESS THAN A METRE TALL" I throw a mini tantrum.

Wow, kids tempers are worse than it being that time of the month...maybe.

"Woah calm down, do you mean the same thing that happened to us just a week ago happened again to you?" He asks.

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