Finally Spring Break

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"Are you glad that spring break officially starts after this class?!" Cristina almost yells. I shush her and write the rest of my notes down.

  "I guess." I whisper to her. She looks at me in shock.

   "What do you mean you guess? Spring break is like the best thing that has happened to me." She whisper yells.  I shrug.

  "Well now I don't really have anyone to hang out with. Your going to Colorado." I say sighing.

"Yeah sorry about that. I wish I could stay." She says frowning. "Hey what about Harry! How could you forget about your boyfriend?" She says loudly. I shush her again.

"I didn't. I still haven't asked him if he had plans over spring break. I mean he could be going out of the state like you." I say putting my notebook in my backpack.

"Okay true but just text him right now and ask him if he wants to hang out after school." She says leaning back.

"My mom is actually going to be home cooking dinner tonight so I have to be there." I say rolling my eyes. My mom is never home because of work and then after work she goes with her friends to different clubs and such. And once in a while she will make me stay home with her and spend 'family unit time' with her.

"Just invite Harry to dinner." She says shrugging. I perk up. I do want my mom to meet him.

"That's actually a good idea." I say. She smiles at me and the bell rings. We walk out together.

"Hey my moms here we're leaving like now. I'll FaceTime you later tell me how it goes with Harry." I nod and hug Cristina.

"I will. Have fun in Colorado! Love you! See you soon." I say walking away.

"I will! Love you!" She calls out walking away. I laugh and walk to my car.

Once I get in my car I sit and wait for Harry. I stare off into space just thinking about what my mom would think of Harry. She liked Brett but they met only once and that was when we first started dating. So she should like Harry. He's very respectful and nice so she should have no problem with him. I hope not anyways.

I snap out of my train of thought when I hear tapping on the window next to me. I turn my head and smile when I see Harry. I unlock the door and he gets in. He smiles at me and leans in and kisses my cheek.

"Hello beautiful how was your day?" He asks buckling his seat belt.

"Good. Boring I guess. How bout you?" I ask starting the car.

"Same old boring classes." He says. I look at him and smile.

"Since when do you think class is boring?" I ask him. He laughs.

"I was just extra tired today." He says leaning back. It's quiet for a little and finally I decide to ask him over. I don't know why I'm stressing so much. I'll be fine.

"Hey babe?" I say.

"Hm?" He lazily turns his head towards me.

"Uh my moms gonna be home tonight and she's making dinner. Do you wanna come over and eat with us? I wanted you to meet her anyways some time so I just thought now would be the perfect time." I say quietly. I pull in front of his house and he doesn't get out yet.

"Yeah of course I would love to." He says smiling. I sigh out in relief. That when better than expected.

"Okay come over around 7." I say smiling. He nods and gets out. He runs over to my side and I roll down my window.

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