Grocery trip

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(sorry for not updating in literally forever     I'm sorry!!!)

I seriously can't believe I even got to a thousand. This is so cool and also a lot of you are voting which makes me very happy! But thank you so so so much I very much appreciate it!

Anyways sorry for not updating. I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A MONTH. I've been kind of busy with school but yeah keep on reading and voting and enjoy!
Thank you!! <3

"My mom wants to see you again." Harry's says through the phone. I smile.

"Awe that's sweet. She's really nice you know." I say searching through my kitchen cabinets.

"Yeah she is. But she can be very pushy when she wants something." He says. I laugh.

"Well maybe I can come over one of these days and see her again," I tell him. "Because I'm kind of sick of you being at my house all the time." I say smiling.

"Oh whatever. You know you love it when I come over." He says. I laugh at him.

"Alright alright that's true." I say closing a cabinet.

"Well maybe I can talk to her and you can come over for dinner later." He says. I stop for a second and smile.

"Yeah that would be fun. Just let me know what she says so I can know if I need to go out and get anything at the store." I say as I start walking up to my room.

"Don't do that. You don't have to bring anything." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you can't stop me." I say laying on my bed. He chuckles.

"Yeah I guess you're right. But it's worth a shot," He says sighing. I laugh at him. "Well I'll call her right now and see if she'd want to. I mean I'm almost positive she'll want to but just gotta see if she wants me to go pick up anything from the store." He says.

"Okay. Well if you do go to the store take me with you I wanna go." I say.

"Okay babe I will. I'll text you." He says. I smile.

"Okay bye babe love you." I say sitting up on my bed.

"I love you baby." He says quietly. I smile and hang up. I toss my phone to the side and start off of my bed. I quickly change out of my pajamas and into one of Harry's sweatshirts and some workout shorts. I pull the hood over my head and lay back on my bed. I sigh and put on some music. About ten minutes later I get a text from Harry.

Harry 💗: hey I'm outside let's go to the store ;)

I laugh and roll off my bed. I put on my flip flops and head downstairs. I grab my wallet and walk out. I see Harry in his car. I smile and quickly hop in. He looks at me and grins.

"You look so cute." He says. He looks down and shakes his head. "I like your hoodie." He says. I laugh.

"So what's happening tonight?" I ask him. He stays driving to the store and puts his hand on my thigh. I smile slightly and rest my hand on top of his.

"Well my mom wants to make some Italian dish so I'm just getting a couple things for her." He says.

"How about I get dessert at least. I'll feel bad if I don't get anything." I say leaning my head back and looking at him. He sighs and turns his head towards me. He shakes his head and chuckles.

"Fine I'll let you get that." He says rolling his eyes. I smile and we pull up to a little grocery store. We get it and Harry immediately grabs my hand. I laugh and we grab a cart. As we walk in Harry looks around.

"Okay I need garlic, noodles and some like French bread." He says. I laugh at him and we make our way threw the aisles. I push the cart and he looks at all the items. I laugh at he squints and looks down at his phone with a confused look.

  "What even is bow tie pasta?" He asks suddenly. I laugh and reach across him and pull out a box of bow tie pasta.

"Ohh." He says raising his eyebrows. I laugh and throw it in the cart. We go to the produce and Harry gets his garlic. And we get the French bread.

"Does your mum like pie?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles.

"I suppose so." He says raising an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask him. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Nothing." He says.

"I can make a mean apple pie." I say raising my eyebrows at him.

"I'm sure you can love. So lets go get some apples." He says. I roll my eyes and walk with him to the produce again.

"You're a butt sometimes." I say looking at him. He laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"As are you babe." He says.

Another A/n

I'm trying not to be annoying sorry haha but I know this update sucks and the next one will be better and longer I swear but this is kind of just "I need to update like now cuz it's actually been a month" kind of update. But yeah tune in to the next chapter which I hope will be soon! ;))

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