Date night

927 14 1

Read the A/N at the end! 

"So I'll pick you up at 7?" He says through the phone.

"Yes you will." I say smiling. He chuckles.

"Will do. And wear something... fancy." He says. I groan and laugh.

"What are you planning Styles?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He says. I sigh and smile.

"You do realize I am the most impatient person ever." I say. He laughs.

"Yes I do. I just like torturing you." He says. I laugh.

"Okay psycho I'll see you at 7." I say smiling. He chuckles.

"Okay babe. Love you." He says.

"Love you too." I say and then hang up. I set my phone down and go over to my closet. Something fancy is not in my wardrobe. I mean I might have something.

I search through the hangers and hangers of dresses when I finally find one. I wore this for the fall formal last year. It's a beige dress with sparkles all over it, and it lands about mid thigh. This is fancy enough. I lay it out on my bed and start to get ready. 

I decide to curl my hair since I usually always straighten it. Just to mix things up for once. After I quickly do that because I am continuing to run out of time, I start on my makeup. I keep it simple just applying the basics and adding a little bit of shimmery gold eyeshadow. I put on chapstick and then I was done.

I slip on my dress and put on some black stilettos praying that I didn't injure my self just by wearing them. I apply some perfume and grab my phone.

7:05 okay not that bad.

I see Harry texted me a minute ago saying he was here so I quickly grab all my stuff and make my way downstairs. Very carefully might I add. I quickly get to the door and swing it open. Once I do I see Harry standing there. I instantly grin and look at him. He's wearing a button up black shirt with black pants and a jean jacket over it. Casual yet he looks so good. I see in his hand he's holding a dark red rose. I smile.

"You look so gorgeous." He say looking at me. I blush.

"You look great too." I say. He smiles and extends the rose out to me.

"For you." He says. I smile and take it.

"Thank you." I say. He grins.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod and he takes my hand. I close the door behind me. We both get into the car and go to the mystery place.


"Harry don't you think this is a little extra?" I ask as I grab his hand. He laughs.

"Don't worry we're here." He says.

"Oh seriously? Hm." I say. I feel him leave my side and walk in front of me.

"Wait I'm scared don't leave me." I say. He laughs.

"I'm here don't worry. Okay on three open your eyes." He says. I nod.

"Okay." I say quietly.

"One... two.... three." Once he says three I uncover my eyes and look in front of me. My eyes widen and I gasp. There's a small table with a small candle lit on it and plates with food on it. And that wasn't even the best part. The whole thing was overlooking a beautiful view of the city and all of it's lights.

"Harry. Oh my god." I say taking a step forward. I look at him and he smiles.

"You like it?" He asks. I grin and nod frantically.

"I love it. So much. Oh my god." I look at him and quickly kiss him.

"This is seriously so amazing babe." I say. He smiles.

"I'm glad you like it." He says kissing my cheek. I smile and he pulls out one of the chairs. I take a seat and he sits across from me.

"I'm not the best cook so I had my mum help me out with that part." He says. I look down at the food and chuckle.

"It's Alfredo pasta my favorite." I say in awe. He smiles and then raises his eyebrows.

"Oh and also I brought a little," he reaches under the table and pulls out a bottle. "A little bit of champagne. I just thought it was necessary." He says. I laugh and nod.

"Most definitely necessary are you kidding?" I joke. He laughs and pops it open. He fills both of our glasses and then sets the bottle down. He then lifts the glass and I lift mine.

"To..." He trails off.

"Let's please not make this cheesy." I say. He laughs.

"Alright. Well here's to... not making things cheesy." He says. I smile and we clink our glasses. Just as I'm lifting my glass to my mouth he says. "With you." I groan and he laughs. We both take a sip and set our glasses down.

"That was almost as cheesy as this Alfredo." I say picking up my fork. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Does Alfredo even have cheese in it?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"Of course- actually I have no clue. I mean I think it does." I say. We both laugh.

"Hazz." I say.

"Hm." He says.

"Thank you for doing this. Really. I love it, like a lot." I say smiling slightly. He gives me a smile and puts his hand over mine.

"Anything for you beautiful." He says. I smile and don't say anything for a second.

"See I was gonna comment on how that was cheesy but it was really cute so I fought against it." I say. We both laugh.

"I love you Cam." He says. I smile and look at him.

"I love you too Harry." I say quietly.


Happy new year! Hahaha

Holy crap. Okay you have every right to yell at me. I'm such a flop at updating omg. I finally felt so bad so I just forced myself to. But I was also pretty inspired so yeah!

But one of my goals this new year is to update more often. I'm just starting school soon and hopefully I'll still have time to update. But I promise I will try my best.

Sorry this is short I'm just trying to get stuff out there.

But as always I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

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