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Harry's pov

  "Hey you ready?" Cameron says grabbing her keys. I blink and look at her.

  "Oh uh yeah." I get up and walk to the front door. She gently grabs my hand and I look down at her. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she's searching my face.

  "What's wrong?" She asks me. I smile slightly and lean down. I kiss her cheek and open the door.

"Nothing I promise now lets go." I say. She gives me a weird look but hesitantly follows me out the door smiling. We get in her car and drive off to school. She reaches over and locks her hand with mine.

"I'm so happy your back." She says smiling. I smile back at her and kiss her hand.

"I am too." I say quietly. We park in the school and I wrap my arm around Cameron's shoulders as we walk up to the building. She smiles and leans in closer to me. We go to her locker so she can get her books and I stand next to her.

  "You didn't miss much in third." She says taking out a text book. I raise my eyebrows and nod.

"Really?" I ask. She nods and tucks her hair behind her ear. I smile slightly as I watch her talk. How could I be so lucky to have her?

"Yeah we just watched documentaries on random stuff and took notes. Oh! That reminds me we have a test next Monday on these terms that the teacher gave us. I'll let you copy them down." She says closing her locker. I grin at her.

"Okay thank you," I say biting my lower lip. "Hey did I tell you that you look absolutely stunning today?" I say pulling her closer to me. She smiles and looks down.

"I'm sure you said something like that." She says kissing me quickly.

"Well just thought I would remind you." I say. She giggles as I hug her. Just as I'm about to say something I feel someone forcefully bump into my back. I pull away from Cameron and turn around already glaring at the person. Of course it's his asshole.

  "Oops." Brett mutters. I clench my fists and I feel Cameron put her hand on shoulder. But I keep my eyes on Brett.

  "Just leave asshole." I hear Cameron say. I don't say anything yet. My jaw is clenched and my breathing is getting heavier.

"Why don't you get your whore on a leash?" I hear Brett mutter. For a second all I see is black. And when I don't I have Brett pinned against the lockers. My forearm is pushed against his chest and my hand is gripped onto his shirt.

"Harry stop!" I hear Cameron yell. She puts her hand on my shoulder again. This time I tense up even more. I don't look away from Brett. He has a stupid ass smirk on his face. I want to beat the living shit out of this guy. But I know if I do that, one, I'll get in trouble with the school, two, Cameron will be mad at me, and three, I'll most likely mess up my rib again.

  I push him up against the lockers forcefully and then let him go. I turn and start to walk away.

"Pussy!" I hear Brett yell. I stop and turn back around. I start walking towards him again but Cameron steps in front of. Her eyebrows are raised and she's breathing heavily. I stop and look at her.

"Stop." She whispers. I look up at Brett and then back to Cameron. I don't say anything I quickly turn around and walk away. I've never felt so angry in my life. He just called my girl a whore and I can't do a thing about it. I mean I can but I won't. For her sake.

"Harry! Harry wait!" I hear her yell. I don't say anything, I don't stop, I just keep walking. If I talk to her I'll probably blow up. She finally catches up to me and jumps in front of me so I'm forced to stop. I don't look at her though I keep my eyes up.

"Harry. Babe talk to me." She says softly. I sigh and look at her. She has the most innocent sweet look on her face. God dammit. I still don't say anything instead I just grab her hand and start walking. She trails behind me.

  I start making my way to the football field. I need to yell right now and I don't want to do that in front of a lot of people. She stays silent as I walk up to the field. I go on the field and stand in the middle. She stops too and just waits for me to talk. I pace back and forth and then finally I start to talk.

  "You shouldn't have stopped me Cameron you really shouldn't have. I wanted to- god! I just wanted to- to hit him! And kick him and slam him against the lockers. I wanted to do so many things! No one calls you a whore! No one! He's such a prick! He doesn't understand that he needs to leave you alone! You're mine! Not his! I just don't understand why that can't mentally and physically get into his brain! He's such a dumbass! God and him kissing you! I can't comprehend how fucked that made me feel! I've never been so angry at someone like I am towards him! I just want to- god- fuck!" I scream. I pace back and forth running my hands through my hair.

  She stands there motionless and just stares at me in awe. Maybe that was a bit much for her. Then she just hugs me. My body instantly relaxes. I start to breathe regularly now. God what has she done to me?

"You know I've realized every time you get angry you just see black and don't even realize what your doing." She says. I chuckle and hug her tighter.

"I'm sorry I - just- I don't know-"

"No I understand. You just needed to rant and get that stuff off your chest. It's okay don't apologize." She says pulling away slightly to look at me. I smile down at her and kiss her.

"Lets try and make it to second period yeah?" She says smiling. I laugh and wrap my arm around her.

"Alright." I say making my to class.

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