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It's been a while since the day me and Harry last kissed. And we have hung out almost everyday since then. We aren't officially dating and I'm fine with that to be honest. I've gotten to know him better and kind of get him out of his comfort zone and he has gotten to know me better. I really like him. He's such a sweet boy and super cute, and funny. All things no body would expect from him, because of how shy and quiet he is. But really once he gets to know you, that's when his true colors show. He's also changed his style a lot. Like a lot. He doesn't have his hair slicked back anymore and he doesn't wear his huge glasses. I know what you're thinking. I probably told him to change. But I didn't. Honestly. He just has been loosening up. He wears casual stuff now and to be honest I love this look on him. His curly hair is always perfect, just everything about him is.

   "Cameron?" I snap out of my thoughts and focus on Harry.

"Yeah sorry. I was just zoning out." I say. He smiles at me. His smile is to die for. His perfectly straight teeth and his dimples that indent his cheeks. It's so cute.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asks me pushing my hair out of my face. Im laying on his stomach and we're in my room just hanging out. It's Sunday and we usually always do something on Sunday's.

  "Um we can go to the movies?" I ask. He nods.

   "What movies are out?" I look it up on my phone.

"Um theirs "A dogs purpose" "Split" "Lights out"..." I say.

  "Whatever you wanna see." He says. I think about it.

  "Lights out?" I ask him. He just shrugs.

  "If that's what you want. I'm fine with it." I smile. Harry is always more of a 'I don't care' kind of guy when it comes to me. Every time we get food he just says, 'whatever you want'. Sometimes it can be a good thing and sometimes it can be an annoying thing.

  "Okay. There's one showing in an hour do you wanna see that?" I ask him.

  "Yeah sure."

"Did you wanna go home and get ready or are you fine?" I ask him. He looks at his clothes and so do I. He's just wearing a gray shirt and black skinny jeans. "I think you look fine." I say.

  "Then I won't change." He says smiling. I smile back. He might not have to but I sure as hell do. I'm wearing a big sweater and shorts. As I get up from the bed he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. Before I can say anything he puts his lips on mine. I smile into the kiss and pull away.

   "I'll be back." I tell him. He just groans and lays back down. I grab clothes and go into the bathroom to change. I'm just wearing a white shirt and some light blue jeans. I put my hair down and brush it out. It's kind of wavy so it doesn't look that bad. I put on some perfume and walk back into the room.

  "You look great." Harry says while looking at me. I smile.

  "Thanks. Now come on lazy bum lets go." I say pulling his arm. He laughs and gets off of the bed. We both get into my car and drive to the movies. We get there and he pays for the tickets. I made a deal with him that if he pays for the tickets I get to pay for he food.
  I get popcorn and a drink for us to share. We get in and grab our seats. I'm already scared. I like scary movies but they scare the hell out of me. Once the movie starts Harry grabs my hand. He probably could tell I was nervous. I smiled at him and he kisses my cheek.

  Throughout the movie I got closer and closer to Harry. By the time it was over I was pretty much in his lap. It didn't really scare me that much but any chance I could get to get closer to Harry I would take. Once the credits showed on the screen we got up.

  "I'm officially afraid of the dark." I tell Harry. He laughs at me and holds my hand.

  "It's not real babe." He says. I look at him and smile.

"Babe?" I ask. His eyes widen.

  "I didn't m-mean to say that I don't know why-"

"It's okay Harry. I like that nick name." I say squeezing his hand. He just sighs. Even though Harry has changed a lot. He will always be the same nervous Harry that I first met. "I might even call you that." I say smirking. He raises his eyebrows at me.

  "I thought you didn't like those kinds of nicknames?" He asks me. I laugh and shrug.

  "I like it when you say it." He looks down and smiles.

  "Okay babe." He says as he wraps his arm around my waist. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head as we walk to the car.


  Okay well first off sorry for the really short chapter. And secondly, I just published another story! It's about the Dolan twins. If you don't know who they are then maybe you won't like the story but still it would mean a lot to me if you guys go check it out! I think the story is really good so far! But yeah go check it out. Hope you guys are enjoying this story though!! :)

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