Lifes a bitch

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"Summers here bitch! We're out of this hell hole!" Cristina shouts as we both make our way out of the school doors. It's loud and there's people everywhere. Freshman girls crying, people taking pictures together, it was chaotic. Finally we make our way outside and it gets quieter.

"Thank god." I say laughing. I was supposed to meet Harry at my car so I search through the crowd of people that are surrounding by the cars. I go on my tippy toes to try and see over people and then my eyes lock with his. He's leaning against my car and his hands are in his pockets. He smiles at me and I smile back. I put my finger up to say hold on and he nods slightly. I stop and me and Cristina turn towards each other she has a smirk on her face.

"You know your man really glowed up over these past few months." She says raising her eyebrows at me. I laugh at her and shake my head. I guess he has honestly. I mean he was always really cute but he has a way better style now. He usually wears black or gray and his hair is getting longer but his curls are so cute, I love playing with his hair.

"Well I'll probably text you tonight so I won't make this a dramatic goodbye." She says rolling her eyes. I laugh and hug her.

"I love you Cristina." I say. I hear her laugh slightly.

"I love you too Cam Cam," she says as I pull away. "I'm serious I'll text you later!" She says as she walks away. I laugh and grin at her.

"Okay I will too! Bye!" I say. She waves at me. I smile and turn to look at Harry, he was in the same position that he was a couple of seconds ago. He grins at me and I grin back making my way over to him. He pushes himself off of my car and once I get to him I wrap my arms around his neck. I hear him chuckle slightly. 

 "Someones happy to be out of school." He says pulling away from me. God he looks so good. His hair is styled perfectly and his beautiful green eyes that I love so much. And that damn smile that always makes me smile somehow.

 "It's honestly kind of shocking. I just can't believe that we are already making our way to college now. No more high school." I say sighing. He smiles and tucks a hair behind my ear. I hate that he always does that. 

 "Me either. It's kind of reliving if you ask me." He says looking down at me with a slight smile on his face. 

 "It is indeed," I say raising my eyebrows. He chuckles at me. "Wanna go out to eat?" I ask him.

"Yeah where do you wanna go?" He asks me. My eyes light up. 

"Ooh! I know, we should go to that like 80's themed diner place that we went to a while ago." I say. 

 "Yeah sure." He says. I smile and he stops and looks at me. He brings his hand to my cheek and he leans down. His lips touch with mine softly and I smile. I pull away and we both get into my car. 


 "I'll just have a cheeseburger." Harry says to the waitress. I look at the menu once more before closing it. 

 "Uh and I'll have the same." I say looking at Harry. He raises his eyebrows but then smiles at me. We hand the waitress our menus and she walks away.

 "Good choice." He says. I blush and roll my eyes. 

 "You know I'm not good at deciding what I want on the spot. And plus I happen to want a cheeseburger." I say crossing my arms on the table. He laughs at me and then gives me a look. "What?" I ask him. 

 "You're lactose intolerant." He points out. I start cracking up and so does Harry. 

 "I totally forgot oh my god I'm so stupid." I say shaking my head. He laughs and starts getting out of his seat. 

"I'll talk to them to change the order." He says raising an eyebrow. I thank him and smile embarrassingly. He goes to the counter and talks to a guy behind the counter. The guy looks familiar. I watch them talk and then I remember. That guy used to go to my school, he was a senior when I was a junior. He used to date Cristina too! Shit I think his name is Ethan or something with an "e". The guy looks at me for a second then smiles slightly at Harry. Harry says thank you then sits across from me again.

 "Thank you for doing that." I say smiling. He smiles back and rests his hand on mine. "Hey I think that register guy used to go to our school." I say looking over to him. He's already staring at me and as soon as I make eye contact with him his eyes widen and he looks away. Harry turns and looks over his shoulder. 

 "Last year?" He asks looking back at me. I nod and he shrugs. 

 "What did his name tag say?" I ask him. He thinks for a second and then responds.

"Ethan, I'm pretty sure." He says sipping his water. I nod again, I knew it. "Why?" He asks me. I shrug and sigh. 

 "I don't know I just thought I recognized him." I say. He nods slowly and looks at me. "It would be so cool to work here." I say randomly. He smiles at me. 

 "It would?" He asks. I just nod and look around the restaurant. "And why is that?" He adds. 

"Well just because this place looks so cool, and it would be super easy." I say leaning back. He rests his chin in his hands and gives me an amused look. 

 "Then you should work here. Why not?" He says. I give him a weird look. 

 "I'm actually really down." I say grinning. He laughs. 

"Then do it. Once we're done eating ask if they are hiring." He says. I smile and nod .

"Alright fine I'll do it." I say. He gives me a pleased look. "But what about you? You need a summer job." I say raising an eyebrow. 

"My moms letting me do some things down at her work. Like office stuff." He says. 

"Oh I didn't know that. That seems cool though that she let you work there." I say raising my eyebrows. He shrugs and messes with his straw. 

"It's really just me doing her taxes and other math related things, stuff that she doesn't enjoy doing." He says chuckling. I laugh slightly, of course Harry would know how to do taxes. 

 "You're to smart for me babe." I say smiling. He laughs and then our waitress approached our table and set down two plates of food in front of us. 

 "Enjoy." She says and walks away. 


 Once we were done eating we paid and then started to leave. 

 "Hey I'll meet you in the car, I'm gonna ask them if their hiring." I say looking up at Harry. He glances behind me and furrows his eyebrows. 

 "You sure you don't want me to stay?" He asks. 

"No it's fine I'll just be like two seconds." I say. He just nods and walks out the door. I turn and walk over to the counter where I saw Ethan. I smile at him and act like I didn't know him. 

 "Hi," I start saying. He looked up and his eyes grew wide again but then he cleared his throat and looked calm again. Uh okay? "Um I was just wondering if you guys were hiring?" I ask smiling.

 "Oh um yes- yeah we are. I'll go get you an application." He says quickly. I just nod and watch him disappear in a room. He comes back second later with a packet and he hands it to me. 

"Thank you so much." I say smiling. He smiles back and doesn't say anything. "Have a good day." I say as I walk out. 

"You too." He calls out. I shrug and walk to my car. 

 That was weird. 


 Hey guys just wanted to self promote lol sorry buttttttt Go check out my new story called Only Friends! The first chapter is published now so go read!! Also I got a computer so be prepared for better stories and better pictures at the beginning of the story haha! Trying to update every Wednesdays but sorry if I don't. Don't hate me!

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