Clearing things up a/n

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What's up doods!

So this is just like a clearing stuff up about the book and what not! If you need it, if not then you can like leave ig lol.

But just so you guys know there is going to be a second book that I'm starting on now. I just don't know when i will publish the first chapter. But just know that there will be one eventually. It's summer time so I'll be able to have more time with writing, hopefully.

And if you guys want to send any like requests or something just let me know and I'll take them into consideration! And that can really be for anything.

And also wanted to thank you guys for all of the reads and votes. It's super cool knowing that people actually like the stuff I put out there haha. But yeah almost 15 thousand reads which is so dope. It'll probably change like right as I put this out lol. But I would've never thought that I would get this many reads on this story. I remember when I first got a thousand and I was so shocked and now having almost 15 thousand. That's so awesome. But I know it's not that big of a deal haha but it's pretty cool to me.

But anyyywayss hope you guys have enjoyed the first book of The Popular girl and the nerd! It took me about two years to complete it!! That's crazy to me. But thank you for all of the support on it!

Lots of love!!! <3


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