Mother issues

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Cameron's pov

"I don't wanna go to school." I say groaning into the phone.

"Then don't." Harry says.

"You're really supporting me on this?" I ask him raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah I mean you deserve a couple days off right?" He says. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Where's Harry and what did you do to him?" I say sarcastically. He laughs.

"Just stay home today I'll come over after school to hang out." He says. I sigh and look down.

"Alright fine. You sure you don't need a ride or anything? I feel bad leaving you at school by yourself..." I say hesitantly.

"Babe I'm fine. I gotta start walking I'll text you at lunch okay?" He says. I smile and get up from my bed.

"Alright. I love you have a good day." I say going to my bathroom.

"I love you too, have a nice relaxing day." He says. I laugh.

"Bye." I say chuckling. I hang up and set my phone on the bathroom counter. He's acting weird.

I didn't really feel like going to school after what has happened the past couple of days with Brett. He has caused nothing but trouble with me and Harry and I'm honestly sick of it. It should be nice just taking a day off. I mean it wouldn't hurt to miss one day.

I get in the shower and just stay in there for like 30 minutes. For once I can take my time taking a shower. I play music from my phone and just hum along to it. Once I'm done I get out and go back in my room. I get out Harry's sweatshirt that I always wear and some shorts. I get changed then brush my wet hair. I feel like staying home was a mistake because I know I'll just be bored all day. It's to late now I guess.

I go downstairs and get some breakfast. I just pull out some orange juice and a bagel. Breakfast for champions right here. Then I just go on the couch and watch tv.

As I start watching it I become sleepy. I rest my eyes but then I fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of keys being jingled by the door. I sit up and confusingly look at the door. I see the knob turn and I almost scream but then I see my mother walk in. What the hell is she doing here?

"Oh! I thought you'd be at school." She says looking at me.

"I uh didn't feel good." I lie. She sets a bunch of bags down in the kitchen and I get up.

"Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" She walks towards me and tries to put her hand on my forehead but I jerk away. It was sort of a natural instinct I guess.

"Oh n-no I don't. I just threw up a while ago." I lie again. She looks at me and then smiles slightly.

"Okay well I got groceries for the next couple of weeks so you'll be all set." She says unloading some of the bags. So this means she's going to be gone for a while. Great.

"And I got a call from your school saying that you've been tardy to your first period a lot lately. I hope you're not ditching." She says continuing unloading the groceries. I furrow my eyebrows. I've only been late like two times.

"I'm not." I say coldly. She stops then turns around at me keeping that damn smile on her face. My mother is the kind of person that is always super happy and smiley until you get on her bad side. And you do not want to see her on her bad side. I tend to bring out that bad side a lot in her though.

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