Chapter 14

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Bellamy and Clarke walked over to the dance floor and joined the party. They joined in with the race style dancing that was going on to the fast pace music.

Clarke wasn't really sure what she was meant to be doing, she didn't really know how to dance. She sort of bobbed on her feat and swayed to the music.

Gradually Bellamy and Clarke moved further and further into the dance floor ending up tightly packed in with loads of people.

A new song came on and people started jumping up and down, pumping their fists in the air. Bellamy and Clarke joined in, it was more crouded where they were but the dancing seemed eaisier.

Clarke prefered this style of dancing, she no longer felt awkward as no one could realy see her amongst all the bodies.


Murphy and Emori were at the centre of the dance floor as well. Murphy loved how she danced without a care in the world, she wasn't anxious of what other people thought.


Another song came to an and and the mood changed as a song for a slow dance came on. A lot of people left the dance floor and gathered at the sides watching.

Clarke stood facing Bellamy a little stumped at what she was meant to do.

"Princess, may I have this dance?" he asked her, bowing down in an old-fashioned way, intending to make Clarke giggled.

She did so and replied, "Yes you may."

Clarke placed her hands on Bellamy's shoulders and he placed his hands round her waist. This new proximity made both of them tingle with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

Slowly they began to sway in time with the music and take small steps.

Most of the couples on the dance floor were making conversation with on another. But neither Clarke nor Bellamy knew what to say.

Octavia and Lincoln were dancing together, which thankfully Bellamy hadn't noticed. The two of them were talking and giggling, Octavia's face was beaming.

Clarke looked to her left and saw that Murphy and Emori were also participating in the slow dance.

"Hey," Clarke said to Bellamy, getting his attention which she already had.

"Yeah," he responded not taking his eyes away from her.

"Have you seen Murphy?" she asked looking over at him and Emori.

Bellamy followed her gaze and saw his friend smiling whilst awkwardly dancing.

Bellamy laughed a little, "finally," he said so only he and Clarke could hear.

The music faded into another slow dance and Bellamy and Clarke held eye contact. Clarke moved her hands so they rested on Bellamy's neck and the two continued to dance.

Thank you for reading. Sorry this chapter took a little longer to upload I have exams soon and I am busy revising but I will try my best to upload as often as I can. Please remember to vote and comment, I'd love to know what you think.

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